Good Press publishes a wide range of titles that encompasses every genre. Each Good Press edition has been meticulously edited and formatted to boost readability for all e-readers and devices. Our goal is to produce eBooks that are user-friendly and accessible to everyone in a high-quality digital format. Hall Publisher: Lulu. Also included is a look at the original source material from Plato, where the Atlantis myth first appeared and grew out of.
Ever since Plato first pondered the existence of Atlantis, the truth behind this infamous sunken city has captured the world. Atlantis and Other Lost Worlds is the most up-to-date and comprehensive investigation of this ancient island, written by the foremost authority on the subject Frank Joseph.
Nowhere else will you find a more dramatic and convincing presentation of the evidence for its archaeological reality. The book uncovers the scientific genius of the ancients and the spiritual power of their mysterious religion. They are revealed as the inventors of a crystal technology to surpass our own, and the master builders of pyramidal monuments around the world. The doomed capital comes alive in a vivid recreation of its heyday of cultural splendor and imperial might. Atlantis and Other Lost Worlds opens a new window on the ancient past, offering views of Atlantis and its kindred civilizations never seen before.
Extract: "The memory of Nature is in reality a stupendous unity, just as in another way all mankind is found to constitute a spiritual unity if we ascend to a sufficiently elevated plane of Nature in search of the wonderful convergence where unity is reached without the loss of individuality. For ordinary humanity, however, at the early stage of its evolution represented at present by the majority, the interior spiritual capacities ranging beyond those which the brain is an instrument for expressing, are as yet too imperfectly developed to enable them to get touch with any other records in the vast archives of Nature's memory, except those with which they have individually been in contact at their creation.
The blindfold interior effort they are competent to make, will not, as a rule, call up any others. But in a flickering fashion we have experience in ordinary life of efforts that are a little more effectual. Scott-Elliot Publisher: Lulu. Scott-Elliot Publisher: BoD — Books on Demand ISBN: Category: Religion Page: View: For readers unacquainted with the progress that has been made in recent years by earnest students of occultism attached to the Theosophical Society, the significance of the statement embodied in the following pages would be misapprehended without some preliminary explanation.
Categories » All ebooks » Paranormal and Mysteries. See the front cover of this book image will open in new tab. Written by Theosophist, W. Scott-Elliot, this book goes into detail about the lost city of Atlantis. The information came from C. Leadbeater, who said he received his information from astral clairvoyance. Scott-Elliot provides info on the people of Atlantis, such as their religion, the races, the different periods including 4 maps illustrating this , money, education and much more.
Last week, around 30, people downloaded books from my site - 9 people donated. I love offering these books for free, but need some support to continue doing so. You don't need an account and it only takes a minute.
User icon An illustration of a person's head and chest. Sign up Log in. Web icon An illustration of a computer application window Wayback Machine Texts icon An illustration of an open book. Books Video icon An illustration of two cells of a film strip. Video Audio icon An illustration of an audio speaker. Audio Software icon An illustration of a 3. Brief introduction: The explosive first novel in a series from adventure thriller writer Andy McDermott takes listeners on a legendary journey to find the greatest treasure in human history—-the lost city of Atlantis.
Figure 2: left Model of the island continent with the rectangular level plain arrowed. The legend of the lost city of Atlantis has been popular for centuries. Even today Atlantis still holds a significant place in the popular imagination and continues to inspire books. It was a rich island whose powerful princes conquered many of the lands of the Mediterranean until they were finally defeated by the Athenians. The Atlantians eventually became wicked, and their island was swallowed up by the sea.
The Lost City Of Atlantis. Some of the worksheets displayed are The lost city of atlantis, U s o p e k a u q h t r a e s u s i n t s d n a l d u m e, Towers of the lost city, Atlantis, Atlantis, The bermuda triangle, Fall book review, Denton calvary academy summer reading the lost atlantis Download the lost atlantis or read online here in PDF or EPUB.
Please click button to get the lost atlantis book now. All books are in clear copy here, and … Atlantis Motherland book presents evidence that proves that Atlantis was a reality and that the sacred Atlantis transcripts are, just as they claim, absolutely true. These fascinating true documents are, by far and away, the oldest recorded history in the world! A thrill-seeking Harvard linguistics professor and an ultrasecret branch of the Catholic Church go head-to-head in a race to uncover the secrets of the lost city of Atlantis.
It is an ancient account of a trip to Atlantis that allows one to locate the lost city as well as provided a means of deciphering the Atlantean Language. A list of good books on the subject of Atlantis specifically, as well as the lost civilization hypothesis generally. Click Download or Read Online button to get legend-of-the-lost-city book now. This site is like a library, Use search box in the widget to get ebook that you want.
The lost city of Atlantis had a canal from the sea to an inner lagoon. Three kinds of stone, one red, one black and one white were quarried on the Island of Atlantis.