Now in its 10th edition, this full-color text continues to serve as the most comprehensive reference for practicing nurses and nursing students worldwide. Often referred as the 'Lippincott Manual' or simply the 'Lippincott', the LMNP is widely used as a procedure manual for many healthcare institutions contains Nursing Procedure Guidelines. It is also widely regarded as the Gold Standard for nursing practice in the classroom. Organized into five major parts, LMNP presents a comprehensive reference for all types of core nursing care.
Content is evidence-based with supporting articles highlighted in actual entries and procedure guidelines. New to this edition is an appendix of vitamins and herbs, an increased emphasis on home care and geriatrics, and much more. This resource provides step-by-step guidelines for more than procedures in all areas of nursing practice and contains many color images. Easy navigation features include searching capabilities by chapter or alphabetically. Cross-referencing enables users to find related procedures with just one tap.
Best book for biochemistry. More about the book and also download lippincott biochemistry here. Lippincott physiology is best competitor of Guytan physiology and other physiology book.
One of the standard book of physiology. More about the lippincott physiology and to download the pdf click here. We highly encourage our visitors to purch ase orig inal books from the respected publishers. If someone with copyrights wants us to remove this content, please contact us.
Moreover Medstudentscorner. If you feel that we have violated your copyrights, then please contact us immediately. A new chapter on erythropoiesis and blood gas transport provides critical information on this key topic.
New content on the impact of normal aging on organ function brings the book thoroughly up-to-date. More than annotated, full-color illustrations —including more than 20 new to this edition—guide readers step by step through complex processes. Overviews and Chapter Summaries set clear goals for topic mastery and reemphasize essential concepts in a coherent framework.
Clinical Applications boxes and clinical images encourage readers to apply their knowledge, taking them from the classroom to the bedside. As a Physics PhD, with a great interest in human physiology, I have read, or attempted to read a great number of books, from all the main authors on the subject. While there are many excellent books to consider, none, in my opinion come close to this book. Clear but without being simplistic, always to the point and with a great writing style, it never gets boring or convoluted, delivering the maximal amount of information per page.
The great illustrations help cement the knowledge, but it is the writing that is engaging. I will go as far as saying that this book reads almost like a best selling novel, making it hard to put down as one moves from one concept to the next.
One suggestion to make this the perfect book is to include a chapter on the immune system in the next edition.