Lawrence deSouza. Tom Dow. Andrew Goldhawk. Chris Haynes. William Aksel Kuehl. William Levy. Bradley McDevitt. Benjamin Rodriguez. Scott Ruggels. Jeffrey J. Starla Stocking. Cliff Van Meter.
William Wardrop. Bruce Sheffer. Privacy Policy. Our Latest Newsletter. Product Reviews. Newsletter RSS Feed. Start Over Advanced Search. Selected Products. Products found in this section Baby Boomer One of Richard's Micro Games, this fun satirical game is meant to provide a few hours of laughter and fun. It can be played solo or with friends.
A complete RPG with hundreds of skills, weapons, equipment and vehicles. Alien invaders from Mars have landed on our planet and only you can stop them before they turn America into a polluted polyester hell! Government's most secret agency, the 13th Bureau of the Justice Department. This is Bureau Thus begins an amazing chapter in American history, as forces conspire and the nation is ripped asunder by rebellion and darker farces bent an monstrous evil.
This is a re-release of one of the Classic Tucholka B books -- finally available Bureau 13 Edition This is a print on demand reprint of the Gencon winning edition of Bureau We present this to Richard's fans in anticipation of future editions yet to come, showing where we came from and what we strive to keep forever in the hearts of RPG players worldwide.
Bureau 13 d20 edition Gencon Winning Game in Bureau 13 - Stalking the Night Fantastic d20 edition lets you become a member of the most secret government agency you have never known. Your mission is to serve and protect the citizens of the USA from all forms of malevolent supernatural beings, spirits, aliens, deities, and Things Man Should Never Know. Included in this version we have added bookmarks and added It was first published in This is the fourth, expanded edition. The Hellsnight scenario pack also contains separate adventures as well as special information dealing with Bureau 13 Friends and Enemies, New Equipment, Tools, and They contained fragments and pages of lost files -- illusive information on history, equipment, friends and foes.
NET 4. Use this program to ramp up the depth of your narrative and roleplay. This tool can help you add atmosphere and detail to the world you build, in advance or on the fly. Advanced Document Capture and Automation Software Turn documents, databases and email data into actionable information. PSIcapture does much more than just convert documents from paper to digital format. Learn More. With the press of a few buttons a GM can create an encounter and then cycle through the rounds of combat easily finding the AC the creature hit, damage done and other basic information.
Does NOT require a network connection to work and should run on just about any Dragon Roller. He also includes random name generation and miscellaneous IRC utilities. Create, market, and sell your own online courses. Based on the OGL open gaming licence specification by d20 Games. Its aim is to one day be a Java 7 and XML source library for building completely extensible gaming engines and libraries. It's in an early stage of development.
Hardcover, Standard Color Book. Average Rating 1 rating. This pdf is fully bookmarked for ease of use. Customers Who Bought this Title also Purchased. Reviews 0. Please log in to add or reply to comments. It has the info needed to convert from the Tri Tac Classic system to d20 Mpdern. There is also "value added" in the form of thirty years of backstory and worldbuilding support added by the playtesting group. This is the same basic Fringeworthy setting only using the d20 modern rules instead of the original Tri Tac Games system developed by Richard.
If you play d20 modern this would be the right book for you, if you prefer the original system the older books would be best for you. Richard was a major part of the creation of this book so he kept it true to his original setting. This has all the basic information from the original FW versions using the d20 rule system. All the Portals series are on our home page. At this time we have not considered putting them here or making them print on demand.
We will discuss those options. November 11, pm UTC. The issue with PoD is the age and size of some of the graphics in the book. They may not be very clear upon printing. If we get enough people interested that will accept that not all the graphics will look as good as they should we may add a PoD option. See All Ratings and Reviews. Don't know whether that was true or not, but it's really similar. But, yeah, the system kinda stinks. That was always the thing about Tri-Tac.
The settings were incredible, but you always wanted to just use whatever system you liked best. NPC Jeremy Guest. Basically, it's a combination of Sliders and Stargate though it predated either by a lot. The players are explorers who go through something that looks an awful lot like a stargate and there are stargate like teams , but instead of other worlds, it's alternate worlds.
Like Sliders, or better yet, H. Beam Piper's Paratime series. IIRC, it uses the same system as Bureau 13 which is a lot like the X-files, though of course, it also predated that show.
I love the B13 setting, but despite several attempts, I found the rules system behind it to be pretty much unplayable. I would consider buying it, but use your system of choice, instead.