The passwords are now more strict in needing a mix of case and numbers where you used to be able to choose a simpler password for your Apple ID. There are cases where the device is not working properly and you keep getting this verification error, but in the case you describe it is now mandatory to enter more information when setting up your account initially. The App Store requires you to have a valid Apple ID normally an e-mail address in order to download any content from there.
Sign up to join this community. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top. Stack Overflow for Teams — Collaborate and share knowledge with a private group. Create a free Team What is Teams? Learn more. How can I download free apps without registering an Apple ID?
If you see the "Open" button instead of a price or Get button, you already bought or downloaded that app. How to find apps that you bought You can find your apps in your App Library. If you can't find the App Store If the App Store is missing on your device, you might have parental controls turned on. If you have an issue when you download apps To buy apps from the App Store, you need an Apple ID and a payment method.
If you have trouble downloading an app that's larger than MB over cellular, open the Settings app. If an app does not work Learn what to do if an app closes unexpectedly or won't open. If an app isn't working as expected, you can contact the app developer. Officially, the reason for the changes was to support enterprises who used iTunes to manage multiple devices but anyone can use it. This version of iTunes seems similar in almost every way to iTunes As Apple needs to keep the enterprise on the side in the face of better Android devices, I would imagine that it will do something to help keep business using Apple devices.
Using iTunes Do you know any other ways to load apps without using an app loader or jailbreaking your device? If so, please tell us about it below if you do! Not Helpful 4 Helpful Not Helpful 3 Helpful 5. You can go to "settings" in iCloud, and log out of your current Apple ID. If you are already logged out of your current ID, you can click on the link to create a new ID.
Not Helpful 3 Helpful 6. You must use a Mac to edit your account. Just log in from there and edit it. Not Helpful 5 Helpful 7. Go to settings then, iCloud, then click log out and log into the different Apple ID. Not Helpful 5 Helpful 2. I changed my email address on the iPad, but when ready to down load a new app, I keep getting the old email address.
What can I do? You would have to update your email address through Apple. Go to their website and they will have instructions or a way to contact them with questions. Not Helpful 3 Helpful 4. You will have to set up another email address in addition to your primary address. Yes, just log into the account and edit the birthday field in your information. But upon closer inspection, it features a greater selection of games and apps, you can search across all categories, and the UI resembles the original Apple Store.
An interesting thing is that AppValley has a dark mode and you can switch it on and off with a simple tap. There is an Updates tab that allows you to get the latest version of the apps you download via this store. It is also worth mentioning that AppValley probably has the largest base of iPhone apps and games. As you navigate through the menus, it seems that what you see is what you get. The official website actually has two apps, but there is no difference between them except for the icon design.
So why did it make the cut?