However, there are a few situations where the issues can be cleared up on the user's end. The following sections contain different solutions that may help fix download termination issues. Review each section to troubleshoot the download failures you are experiencing. As we mentioned previously, many problems are caused by issues with your Internet service provider.
Usually, these issues result in high latency or lag , which in turn cause your download to fail. I did not choose to check the file hash again after downloading. It could be there's parity issue or whatever reason the files got damaged. But if the file has got damaged, what I expected is it will checking the good blocks and drop the progress to the percentage of good block, then the user could redownload the bad blocks. But it is not the case here. Seems Yes, since it doesn't even manage to check it completely due to an IO error.
Maybe you have some problems with the disk, file system, etc.? Is it possible to make sure that the file is completely healthy? Maybe try moving it to another disk to make sure it's fully readable? Minor damage may not be visible during playback.
Or maybe checking detects some bad fragments in the file, tries to download them, but can't write it? All the disks are about two months old. Reallocated and pending sectores are all 0. Smart check pass. Unraid parity check pass. RAM check 24 hours pass. File system is btrfs. So I'm not sure what's wrong with the file. Will investigate. I just wanted to say that such errors occur at a lower level. Maybe of course libtorrent does something wrong But after uTorrent restart, it immediatly found seeders and start downloading.
This torrents downloaded fine, but all new torrents needed to restart uTorrent. What's the status of the added torrents and their trackers? Yelow, but other PC in my home with the same status downloads fine through wifi or ethernet connection, WinXP. With the exception of Windows Firewall, disabling firewall and AV software doesn't remove its hooks, so be sure to drop all rules for uT and create brand new ones, or uninstall it to be sure temporarily is ok.
Point 2 appears to be false as per point 5. Yellow is indeterminate, it's not bad or good. Do you run multiple uT's at the same time? Your line can choke from that. That choice is based on upload speed, not download. You catch me , but after i drop old config files and make all satting by default, it does not help me. Newly added torrents don't download and one tracker gives me an error of not being connectible even though their site says I am, utorrent says I am, and I know I am.
The only way to get it to download is to restart the PC, which obviously I'm not going to do every time I add a torrent! Right now there's only a couple of us having the issue.
Just wait until the retail version is released and the general public gets their hands on it and starts having problems If seeds and peers don't exist, you can't download the torrent. Using more appropriate speed settings is just the start of the troubleshooting process The current version I use 1. If I close the window, the utorrent process continues to run.
The client or the underlying lib is pretty pathetic. I'm sticking with 4. Sometimes I'll restart it after a download completes if the remaining ones are still "downloading metadata. No torrents download, hence not really usable. I am also on windows 10, not docker. Going to lock this issue for now as it's obvious that the problem is upstream. If this does ever get fixed upstream and needs repairing in our container, please open a new issue. Skip to content. Star New issue.
Jump to bottom. Copy link. Hey, When adding new magnet torrents via webui they get stuck in "downloading metadata".. Before port modification Right after port change not even 10s So port change needs to be done every time new torrent is added to trigger the download.. I am also having this issue.
This comment has been minimized. Sign in to view. Stop adding unhelpful comments of Same Issue Here. I just had this issue. Force Restarting worked for me.
Same problem but not in a docker, and restarting does not fix the problem. Having this issue on Windows 10 v4. Restarting Qbit doesn't solve the problem. Just updating people that this is still a thing in 4.
I am using this in conjunction with Sonarr. If I use utorrent the torrent file is downloading. Yep same thing happening for me. Was working fine this time 7 days ago so may have something to do with 1.