Payday 2 armor skins download

Explore Wikis Community Central. Register Don't have an account? Edit source History Talk 0. Do you like this video? Play Sound. Two-Piece Suit. Main article: Stealth Detection Risk. Armor Safe. Armor Skins. City Camo Armor. Desert Camo Armor. Woodland Camo Armor. Skull Armor. SWAT Armor. Bone Armor. It's pre-release name, Avenger Armor , is a likely nod to this.

Black Armor. Green Armor. Grey Armor. Navy Blue Armor. Tan Armor. Desert Tech. Desert Twilight. Gray Raider. Khaki Eclipse.

Khaki Regular. Misted Gray. Navy Breeze. Somber Woodland. Tree Stump. Woodland Tech. These skins are the first to not be awarded from a safe, but rather from an accessible gameplay mode and therefore are potentially available to everyone at no cost. German Camo. Changes the priority order to show Infamy Cards over Weapon Skins in a lobby. The mod changes only the priority of the different interaction features [clientside].

Ever felt like waiting for 5 seconds until the card you pick is flipped is too long? This mod will instantly reveal your loot when you pick a card! Do note that it will also show you the loot of everyone else right after they picked their card, and if you're host you'll be able to continue back to the lobby. However, players who don't have this mod will see all the card drops take 5 seconds as usual, so be mindful when hosting with this mod! For best results, use with a script for auto-picking a card!

About This mod enables accessing chat and viewing the states of other players in the lobby while in the inventory, blackmarket, preplanning, Crime. This is to prevent chat spam from obscuring the GUI beneath the chat panel - Improved keyboard navigation - Chat input is now activated immediately upon opening the chat panel - Pressing the Escape key while the chat panel is open now only closes the chat panel instead of triggering a node backout i.

Iter improves navigation of all AIs. This is the kind of fun that base game is able to provide. Main features - a reworked algorithm for long paths involving the traversal of several navigation segments - a path extender to prevent pauses when changing of navigation segment - a path streamliner to reduce silly detours - improved congestion handling around navlinks ladders, jumps, climbing, Jacket's MiniMap allow you to use a minimap obvious I know.

Displays a randomized message whenever a Joker dies and for every Joker that survives until the end of the heist. The message is based on the amount of kills the Joker managed to accumulate.

This mod lets you manage and train your converted cops. No longer will your Jokers be gone after a job, you will still have access to them through a menu and can bring them with you on your next heist! Jokers will earn experience for kills and assists and will level up once they have earned enough, which increases their HP slightly.

You can have up to 30 Jokers stored and you have full control over which Jokers will be sent out by sorting the list of your Jokers to your liking. Wounded Jokers can be healed for a fee and killed Jokers can be revived for a higher price if you didn't choose to use the Nuzlocke mode. You can also rename and release your stored Jokers, be aware that you'll only be able to see their names ingame if you have a mod that makes use of Joker names, like Keepers or Kill Feed.

This is also the preferred way to submit any issues you may have. Overkill's Gun Rebalance which was supposed to "make some unpopular weapons more popular" made some weapons, including some good DLC guns, plain broken or worthless compared to mentioned, trusty CAR If I'm not mistaken there's also the "weight" of the gunparts that somehow affects it's behaviour? So it's not like some guns are just reskins of others.

It's not really OP given the spread, recoil and damage scaling during penetration. Peacemaker was beyond saving because of the 1 year long reload, so I gave him damage per shot and ability to pierce shields. Most 7. More realistic magazine ammo counts in terms of some weapons AR15, M14, Galil Changed the way LMG's and Minigun are supposed to be used. KSP 58 Swedish M is now a gun that's supposed to be used like it's real counterpart: supported bipod position.

It packs a real mean punch, but will be jumpy as funk if you try to use it unsupported or well, spray. Mod nerfs pistols to more reasonable numbers, while still not making "pea-shooters" out of them. Oh, and any credit would be nice. This mod will penalize players who kill civilians.

And this loops, so if you kill a lot of civilians right from the start, expect a several visits. This mod lets you issue various types of order to your AI teammates, including jokers.

Features - Add new behaviours to all friendly AI see details below. Using GoonMod's Custom Waypoints To assign precise positions: place a mark, shout at a bot, and he'll go where the mark is. Behaviours They are identified by an icon on the left of a character's name.

So a bot placed near a good cover can hold his position for a long time, place 2 of them and no one will pass. Size of navsegs can vary greatly usually between 5 and 30 meters. Will a bot stay where he's interacted? That depends. If the object is still interactable once bot's job is completed like a drill : yes. If you let the waypoint used to give the order til a few seconds after the end of bot's interaction: yes.

In all the other cases: no, he'll return to you. Then they'll go back to whatever they were doing. Options You can give a name to your jokers, so identifying your jokers from other players' jokers will be easy. Setting it to "all" can be handy if you spam that control to mark cops: you won't mess with bots' assignments. This add-on mod for Keepers will give Jokers random names instead of using the same name for every Joker. There are a few options for selecting the format of the name as well as using names from a custom name pool.

Players that are using Keepers will be able to see the custom names even if they aren't using this mod. Every setting can be changed in the mod options menu. Loosely inspired by the HUD in Bungie's game Destiny 2, KineticHUD was designed to show the maximum amount of information possible in a stylish way, and maintaining a robust balance between information, functionality, and a clean aesthetic. I'm terrible at naming things. This mod is in early development so it's gonna look ugly at first!

Some planned features may be missing, and it may initially be fairly hideous until I push out more updates, but for all intents and purposes it is playable and stable. I welcome feedback! ECM Rush with perfect timing. See screenshots for example. See Sydney Run! This can be enabled or disabled in settings. Or just spam voicelines at people. That's cool too, I guess. I'm not judging. Mute individual players with the in-game menu to stop them from using voice lines, or blacklist specific lines from being played by anyone at all.

Also works against Basic Voices, PocoRose, and other similar mods. Creates an indicator icon for the player who is speaking using in-game voice chat. Most useful when playing with other people who have KineticHUD. Forget to bring a suppressor and afraid you'll accidentally fire a shot and ruin your teammates' stealth? Bind a key to toggle your weapon's safety! Works with all weapon types. HUD element included. Misc - Displays the current assault phase anticipation, build, sustain, regroup, fade, etc as well as a timer for that phase.

Requires you to be host, or for host to also have KineticHUD, as this information is not normally synced. Or donators, if you want to throw money at me - Some other secrets ; More info on the modworkshop page or the github. The main purpose of this mod used to be to display your laser color to other teammates with this mod, but this feature has been implemented into the game as of Update Luckily, this mod still has features that the base game does not, such as the ability to change the colors of lasers that are not your own, such as teammates, snipers, turrets, and vault lasers.

I will try to address this later. A: Yes. You can set them to any color or strobe you like so that you can distinguish them, or else you can choose to make them invisible.

Q: How do I make custom strobes lasers? A: Consult the readme! It's a confusing system at the moment while I write the menu. Q: Can I disable [x] feature of this mod? A: You can disable any and all of the features in this mod at will, through the menu. If you just want to change the laser color of enemy snipers, or if you just want to make your own gadgets a colorful, blinding disco-inferno rave of rainbow hell, then you can do that!

Q: Do I If you encounter a bug, please report it below, and attach any crash log associated with it. If you need help with any of my mods, please contact me via discord, reddit, Steam, or email. This mod blablabla laser bla better. The mod is enabled at vanilla before, modded after. You can now Aim Down Sights while deployed and the deployed spread will act as if you were Aiming down sights. About This mod displays tips and game session information on the level loading screen, where available.

Also, why's the text all chipped and eroded since U? OVK, what did you fix this time? This way you make sure that you have a full clip the next time you run into trouble. This is called a "tactical reload". So if you run out of ammo for your SMG and you're in a tight spot, switching to your sidearm instead of reloading could save your life.

When ammo is running low, place the ammo bag on the ground and use it to refill your stash. Team up to take them down! A robber in bleed-out can be helped back up at no cost. For each civilian you kill, penalty time is added to your regular custody time. This means that if you are put in custody, you will have to wait longer before the police make an offer to trade you for a hostage.

When in custody, you can only be brought back through a hostage trade. The police will contact Bain to set up the trade. Spread your crew out and keep an eye on all the hostages - they are your life lines! This is especially useful if you are low on ammo. When a partner is helping you up you can protect the both of you, but provoking law enforcers while on your own makes you an easy and helpless target. Custom tips - Doctor Bags and First Aid Kits are both pickups that restore health, but there is a key difference between the two: Doctor Bags will also reset the number of bleed-outs you have remaining, while First Aid Kits will not.

As far as possible, conserve Doctor Bags for use only when your view turns gray since they can be used fewer times in total.

Upon the third bleed-out or your view turning gray , use a Doctor Bag immediately or you will go into custody if you are shot down again. Once in custody, you can only be traded out with a hostage. Incapacitation by Cloakers or Tasers does not count toward your bleed-out limit.

Some provide abilities such as increased armor or health regeneration, while others may grant interaction speed or team-wide boosts. Used correctly, they will transform you into a formidable criminal adversary. If this does not describe your current experience level, you are strongly recommended to train with lower difficulties instead to first gain an understanding of both the game's mechanics and the given heist's objectives and requirements.

In fact, outfit does not typically dictate playstyle - instead, skill sets, perk decks, and loadouts do. For instance, the "Low Blow" and "Sneaky Bastard" Fugitive skills both mandate low concealment values, which armor counteracts.

The "Silent Killer" skill allows silenced weapons to deal potentially more damage than their unsilenced counterparts. This will alert your teammates to their presence since they pose a higher threat than most regular units. Left unchecked, a single Cloaker and Taser pair can quickly and efficiently doom an unwary team to failure.

The "Combat Engineer" Technician skill, when aced, enables trip mines to mark guards that pass by in stealth or special units during loud heists. The "Shaped Charge" Technician skill, when aced, enables trip mines to be converted to shaped charges to facilitate quick opening of certain doors and safes.

Stop thinking you can tank bullets and shrug off attacks by waves of police, and start using cover to your advantage. Then watch as your survivability increases dramatically. Together with the "Inspire" aced Mastermind skill, you may be able to salvage a situation that would otherwise have ended in failure. This will allow you to select a suitable weapon for any situation at any point in the game, since weapons cannot be modified while a heist is underway.

Minimize exposure to enemy units whenever possible. Ace of Spades cards are not much help if what you really need is a frag grenade to clear a hallway, or a molotov for area denial. Alternatively, consider rebinding your grenade key. When your screen turns gray, you're on your last down, so patch up. Sometimes you'll have more supplies than you need, so find a good balance. Sometimes, you can use this to your advantage to distract them from sabotaging objectives and rescuing civilians.

Show selected perk and skill distribution for each player in the lobby:! This mod adds access limiters to your lobby and remembers its permission settings.

It remembers difficulty settings when buying a new contract. Infamy limit, max number of players and max number of bots can be set when lobby is created:! This mod will also ensure that your lobby is joinable 1 check every 30 sec only when there are open player slots and automatically register it again if it detects a problem it happens after a Steam disconnection for example , preventing others to get the following message when they'll try to join:! It is fully customizable, and entries that are hidden are invisible and cannot be accessed by the cursor arrow keys either, so there will be no hindrance whatsoever to keyboard navigation.

After you have made the desired changes, save the file and start the game to test your changes. If all goes well, the entries should have vanished. Denizard for reporting the issue 0. Denizard for the report 0. Do you remember the Hoxton Breakout Trailer? This mod adds the ability to place drills on bulldozers if you meet these requirements: - have the skill Kickstarter aced; - be in front of the bulldozer; - and of course, be a little bit mad to attempt such a move.

If you manage to place it, the drill will shortly kill the bulldozer, though in the mean time he might get angry at you MTGA becomes inactive for everyone in order to prevent to crash the vanilla client. MTGA stays active, if a drill is placed, the vanilla client will see it but it will stay where it was spawned as opposed to linked to the bulldozer's head, just a minor glitch only on his end. This mod completely re-works the melee system in the game to enhance your meleeing experience!

There isn't an un-equpping animation currently however. There isn't an un-equipping animation currently however. You can equip your melee while you are in a downed state. Member Exclusives! These don't change the mechanics in the game but makes melee a lot more fun to use.

Some cosmetic features in M. RE include: - Decapitations Enemies lose their heads as blood spews out and their body twitches. All in all, it's pretty gory So the BLT 2 update brought us fancy icons - that's cool! This mod: - prevents loading these images completely also removed from download list - removes the descriptions - halves the box heights, so less scrolling - sorts the mod list alphabetically!

Displays the money earned through the heist into the hud. This mod makes TeamAI to carry bags like players show them. It works in loud and stealth. In stealth, if you're confident enough of your control of the map, host and only him can wake up a TeamAI by calling him with the secondary interaction "Stop AI" key. Finally, in case things seem out of control, host can define a reset key. Total amount of crits depends on critical chance.

Once a cop has been dominated, you can move him like you would with a civilian hostage. Use "shout" key to call and "stop ai" key to send to your waypoint or stop. This is an AI mod so: - the host must run the mod to enable the new commands ; - modded clients playing with a modded host have access to the extra interactions ; - modded clients playing in a vanilla hosted game are unaffected ; - clients without the mod playing with a modded host are unaffected.

Interact with clues to send them to lab whiteboard. When a player interacts with a clue, others modded players receive a chat notification. This is aimed at those who are fairly familiar with the game already and do not need constant assistance from the UI.

They typically modify the same UI elements. Small, optional things. A standalone music mod that offers control over the music you play and adds additional playlists for you to customize.

You can mute the Alesso music or rename a song you replaced, or create playlists, or auto-play music.

This feature can also be disabled. This auto-play feature should work at the menu screen and during heists. Typically, when SWAT retreats the heist will automatically switch to the control stage and it is at this point where the music will be switched. This auto-play feature only works during heists. If enabled, during auto-play it will select the music on random. When disabled, it will simply select the next music on the list. As a result, the playlists are dynamically created using the latest music list.

This should allow the mod to be more compatible with future DLC updates without requiring the update manager. This can also be used in music-locked heists i. Alesso, Shadow Raid, Murky Station, etc to stop music throughout the entire heist. If it is a music-locked heist, then only menu tracks will be available. I don't have a better name I moved some stuff, and added some stuff as well. The goal was to keep a vanilla feeling without adding too much infomations to the user.

Let me know what you think about it, or if you have any issues. This mod is effective only when used as a client. Same story happens with a turret shooting at a TeamAI. This mod fixes these cases. Why the name of the mod? And if you try to change something, there's a good chance that you'll break something else in the process, be that the game itself or the gameplay. Example: Making GenSec Elites change their presets according to the difficulty.

The same applies to shotguns, where they would end up dealing around per shot even from far away and with almost perfect accuracy. Nobody wants something like that. So, what about the mod? ZEAL Marksmen are a good example, basically working as ground Snipers with no laser or shooting restrictions while dealing the same damage.

Or Winters' Shields and their ability to do melee attacks when they're not supposed to. And a few enemies have the wrong suppression preset. And the point of this mod is to fix all of them and more, without breaking the game. There are certain things that can't be fixed by just adding a missing entry or value, like the example at the beggining. You need to change something else as well to avoid other issues.

The mod is pretty simplistic when it comes to this, only requiring BLT to run and no additional files or other mods though I recommend using it with Full Speed Swarm and Iter for an even smoother experience. Just extracting the zip in your BLT "mods" folder is enough to run it, then you can simply update it from the Mod Manager whenever I release a new update.

Because of training. This mod monitors a lot of what players do and checks if it's consistent with everything they've declared. In broad terms, covered domains are: - equipment; - interactions requiring skills; - interaction timers; - damages. Regarding verification of damages done by players, it currently supports: - melee; - normal bullets; - fire and fire dots.

For these 3 points, abnormal values will be reported only when a threshold is exceeded. To analyze a crash, a crashlog is required. But to analyze a potential false positive or any kind of bug, I need details that can be found in BLT log files search for tag [NoMA], if a player gets flagged his full profile is stored. So if you have something to report, please provide all relevant information.

This mod will help you. So if you're a terrible person and want yourself to have red lasers but not see your teammates', then go for it. Also, you can already change teammate player laser colors, the color of sniper lasers, and more. If you need help with any of my mods, please contact me via reddit, Steam, or email. HD NPC Weapons Customization mod allows the player to define what weapons their bots and enemies will wield during combat.

This mod supports first person texture changes to weapons. This mod lets you customize NPC weapons by replacing the default weapons with any gun from your inventory. This is only a cosmetic choice which will not effect how NPCs use that gun - damage and fire rate of the original gun will be used. Clients will see the default weapons or whatever they have set up for themselves if they also use the mod.

By default it will also add first person weapon firing animations like pistol slides moving back, revolver chambers spinning, etc to NPCs and other players where available. Adds more profiles for you to use up to 30 profiles. Similar to Oh no! More skillsets exept its on profiles. This mod also doubles the amount of characters you can add on a profile from 15 to This mod makes obvious which pagers are to be taken care of by changing contour's color to blue when another player takes it.

It affects only the local player and works as host and client. Probably not needed for other world's players but you are free to look at my code. Still working in progress. To do: Subtitles, Mask descriptions.

Move the JSON file to the mod's "db" folder. While in game, open the inventory page and click on the small saw icon in the rightmost box on the bottom center of the screen. Select the loadout you just created.

The mod only loads what is in the JSON file, therefore if you created a loadout with no skills the mod will leave your current equipped skill set untouched. Make sure you have empty weapon slots if you want the mod to craft the loadout weapons.

If you wish to rename your loadout, choose a name shorter than 15 characters. This is the maximum length accepted by the game UI for skill sets. Do not rename your weapons if you plan to reuse them with a loadout. The mod checks for weapon names before crafting new weapons.

You can keep as many loadouts as want, just import them whenever you need it. Any Feedback is appreciated! Including remade character Portraits made by AJValentine! This is the free version. Are you feeling bored by always using the same loadout but are too lazy experimenting yourself? Why not let this mod choose for you? This mod allows you to randomize your loadout. It will choose anything you would be allowed to own from weapons to deployable at the beginning of the heist.

Every part of the loadout randomization can be toggled on and off seperately via the mod menu. If you have a GitHub account this is also the preferred way to submit any issues you may have. This mod lets you send civilian hostages to your custom waypoint. It changes the way they react to their surroundings too. It introduces a new game mechanic making hostages not listening to you if cops are around instead of stupidly following you no matter what.

Cops are too close, hostage won't move. The outline's thickness represents your influence level. And it brings a few other minor tweaks Commando rocket launcher boombox battle worn Using 3 points. Little friend 7 62 assault rifle battle zone mint condition 3 Points. Little friend 7 62 assault rifle battle zone mint condition Using 3 points. Gruber kurz pistol 00g mint condition 3 Points. Gruber kurz pistol 00g mint condition Using 3 points.

Compact 5 submachine gun failsafe lightly marked 3 Points. Compact 5 submachine gun failsafe lightly marked Using 3 points. The judge shotgun dynamite well used 3 Points. The judge shotgun dynamite well used Using 3 points.

Ksp 58 light machine gun bulldozer mint condition 3 Points. Ksp 58 light machine gun bulldozer mint condition Using 3 points. Ak5 rifle suit up broken in 3 Points. Ak5 rifle suit up broken in Using 3 points.

Raven shotgun road rash well used 3 Points. Raven shotgun road rash well used Using 3 points. M shotgun nutshell mint condition 3 Points. M shotgun nutshell mint condition Using 3 points. Goliath 12g shotgun olmec battle worn 3 Points. Goliath 12g shotgun olmec battle worn Using 3 points. Ak5 rifle suit up battle worn 3 Points. Ak5 rifle suit up battle worn Using 3 points.

Parabellum pistol little georg mint condition 3 Points. Parabellum pistol little georg mint condition Using 3 points. Raven shotgun road rash battle worn 3 Points. Raven shotgun road rash battle worn Using 3 points. Light crossbow modernized lightly marked 3 Points. Light crossbow modernized lightly marked Using 3 points. Kross vertex submachine gun crescent lightly marked 3 Points.

Kross vertex submachine gun crescent lightly marked Using 3 points. Goliath 12g shotgun olmec broken in 3 Points. Goliath 12g shotgun olmec broken in Using 3 points. Lebensauger sniper rifle muffler lightly marked 3 Points.

Lebensauger sniper rifle muffler lightly marked Using 3 points.


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