Openoffice download for windows 10

Download For Mac. Download For Linux. OpenOffice contains a tool similar to MS Office that allows the user to prepare a presentation for a project. It makes your explaining better and generally the experience without having to pay a single cent to anybody.

OpenOffice makes your work and explaining to other people look more professional and its better to understand. OpenOffice is capable of creating documents and save them on its own. It can save these documents in a wide range of formats or even open similar formats from a different source. At the same time, the program is able to prepare and open tables in the form of rows and columns. Just like in excel it has calculating tools as part of the package.

Whenever you have a project that needs the vector drawing technology you can use the OpenOffice software. With the base tool, you are able to record data in a more organized way. You can create take huge tones of data and have the power to record and plan better. Users can report issues or bugs, make product improvement requests, and see what others have to say on its active forums. One of the biggest, and possibly only, reason not to get Office is the price tag.

OpenOffice is here to provide a free solution that will get the job done. As you can see in the image above, the OpenOffice programs have a slightly outdated look when compared to Office Many of the buttons are located in the sidebar instead of the ribbon style that Office uses.

However, despite the dated look, all the important buttons can still be quickly found and allow you to create the documents and spreadsheets how you want. They are Drawing which is similar to Google Drawing in the Google Docs suite , and the Database or Math app which is a mathematical equation editor that can be used in either text documents or as a stand-alone app.

But if you want, you can make a donation to support OpenOffice as well as the many other projects at Apache. Since it an open-source program, anyone can modify and distribute the software. They can add toolbars, extra software, or even malware in their own versions. Therefore, it is important to only download the software from the Apache website, which is clean of all the garbage that can be found when downloading from third-party providers.

Don't miss to download the new release and find out yourself. In the Release Notes you can read about all bugfixes, improvements and languages. ZDNet's Raffaele Mastrolonardo has the details. In the Release Notes you can read about all new features, functions and languages. Join us in celebrating this big achievement! Apache does not pay for developers, for translators, for QA, for marketing, for UI, for support, etc. Of course, we're happy to accept donations to the Apache Software Foundation , to keep our servers runnings and for similar overhead expenses.


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