Moto 360 android wear 2 music download slow

Visit eSupport here. All Forum Topics. SA03 Blue Screen Again. Moto slow always on display after 2. Version attached. Reply 0. Re: Moto slow always on display after 2. Hi SA03, The update should have improved the overall performance of the watch. Regards, JM Motorola Support. Pls suggest something else. Kindly suggest something else. David Paper Tape. Reply 1. Jerome69 What's DOS? Forum Home. Community Guidelines Please review our Guidelines before posting. Check out current deals!

Go Shop. Choose the people to notify and enter the reason for this action. Author of this post. Even if you walk around while looking at it, it will continue to show 0 steps. After rebooting the watch, it will count every step taken since it stopped displaying them as happen in the exact minute when the watch started. The total number of steps overall will be in sync with Google Fit, but the two services will disagree on when I were active.

I rarely let the watch run out of battery. From the odd behavior of Moto Body, it would seem the watch is designed to run out of battery and be restarted every few day or so to preserve functionality. There are quite a few phone apps that send constant or even persistent and useless notifications. Disabling and blocking as many mostly useless notifications as possible made the night and day difference for battery life on the Moto Android will by default push most of the notifications on your phone to the watch.

On the phone, these notifications are mostly just a nuisance; but they get actively stressful when your wrist starts vibrating every time you receive one. You can hear the phone vibrating from a notification on a table behind you, and look expectantly down at your watch and wait for it to pop up. Do you want to close it?

It sounds very promising but it usually does either nothing or makes the screen on your phone entirely white. When it works, the action does the same as clicking on a notification in the notification drawer on your phone. For many notifications, however, this also does nothing which is probably partially where the problem originates. I can battle it out first with the watch and tap Open on phone and wait to see if anything happens on my phone.

I then have to tap the watch again and then wait again to see if something happens on the phone. I recently went to my doctor for a routine checkup. I looked up the public transport options and the travel times on my laptop the night before and on my phone the morning of the appointment. Both times I were logged in to Google and it would have picked up the place I needed to go and when I needed to be there. On a previous occasion with the same usage pattern, Google Now on my phone had given me helpful notifications with public transport departure times and directions.

This time both the phone and watch stayed silent. After the doctor appointment when I was waiting on the bus outside his office, Google Now on the phone showed me the transit time for that bus stop and for the route I needed to take home.

In an similar episode, Google would send me traffic updates about travel time to my former-workplace for three weeks after leaving the company. The action I use the most on the watch have definitely been audio playback controls. Mostly just pausing and restarting podcasts and audiobooks throughout the day which I listen to constantly. Annoyingly, the watch and phone often unsync the current audio playback state. Resulting in the pause button never showing up on the watch, or the resume button disappearing before I can resume the playback.

Something is clearly wrong with the playback communication from the watch or how the phone tracks the state on these things. There have been occasions where the SMS notifications have been very helpful. Things like pizza and package delivery notices, or friends coming over half an hour earlier than expected. I normally value my email more than SMS and my email inbox is kept clean of anything non-important by excessive filtering that delegates less important items to other folders.

A unexpected advantage to having SMS appear on my wrist is that two-factor authentication logins became less of a pain. When waving your hands about doing your everyday activities, like carrying around a cup of coffee or picking something up off the table, the watch occasionally turn on the display.

In a perfect demonstration of a Pavlovian response, I look at it, touch the display, swipe around the notifications, and generally trying to figure out why the display turned on. How big is the APK you are pushing to the wearable? Seems this is because of bluetooth speed. Show 6 more comments. Active Oldest Votes. Well sometimes you don't really have the option of using an emulator. My experiences with deploying direct on the device is pretty much the same as yours.

Now deploy. I get consistent deployments within a minute. Hope it helps. Improve this answer. Add a comment. Sterling Sterling 5, 2 2 gold badges 27 27 silver badges 39 39 bronze badges.

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