Make a file download rather than open

If this is not sorted out, we may have to change other browser as default browser and dump Microsoft Edge. In case there's some misunderstanding here, I'd point out that there's no way a file can be opened on a computer unless it's actually present on that computer.

In other words, you can't view a file that hasn't been downloaded. The difference you're seeing with the new Edge is that earlier, you had little or no control over where a downloaded file was stored while you were viewing it. IE keeps them in its Temporary Internet Files folder, for example. These files will eventually be removed, but again, you have no control over how long they remain in temporary storage. New Edge, on the other hand, makes it possible for you to determine what happens to downloads like this.

You specify which folder to use by default, but you have the ability to change to a different one. If most of your downloaded files fall into the 'view and discard' category, then specify a folder within your temporary folder as the default. That will normally be. Files in this folder that are not in use will normally be deleted during routine maintenance.

If you select Always open files of this type after a file has downloaded, the next one of the same type will open automatically. After that, the behaviour won't be very different from what you're used to. That intranet is comprised of Java script menus.

But just prior to deployment we found this issue. This seems to be an all or nothing situation. I have not seen a way to control it so that you can for instance stop forcing the download of just the pdf files. Please refer SharePoint download file instead of opening in browser. Sign up to join this community. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top. Stack Overflow for Teams — Collaborate and share knowledge with a private group.

Create a free Team What is Teams? Learn more. Downloading files instead of opening directly Ask Question. Asked 5 years, 2 months ago. As long as you have the ability to edit the HTML code of the page, you can use a simple HTML tweak that will allow you to control when the file download prompt appears if the user clicks a link or a button.

In some cases, the name of the file that is stored on the web server is not the most useful to the user. As of this post, all major desktop browsers excluding Microsoft IE support the download attribute. It is likely that people who use these browsers would likely rather view the document rather than saving it to their phone. It is just not useful. The fact that you find it cumbersome to wade through all possible duplicates only illustrates my point, there is no need for yet another duplicate that adds to the pile of possible duplicates.

Doesn't work for me in Safari 8. ChrisWesseling down voting the answer because the question is a dupe sounds ridiculous, why does that have anything to do with the answerer?

It'd be one thing if he copied an answer on the same question , but this is not that case. Actually this post comes up first on Google AND has more up votes by an order of magnitude than the one you linked to. Down voting is not a mechanism for "flagging as a duplicate", it's a mechanism for down voting. Show 5 more comments. The Overflow Blog. Podcast what if you could invest in your favorite developer?

Documents linked in SharePoint Online pages, navigation menu, lists, etc. What if you want to force downloading a file, instead of opening it in the browser? Well, here are some ways to generate a link that downloads the document directly.


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