Kali linux livro pdf download

O exemplo na imagem a seguir ilustra usando Dig em www. Para executar o Feroz script, digite o seguinte comando: fierce. Agora podemos atingir um determinado host e usar ferramentas como o Nmap para prosseguir em mapeando o nosso alvo. Assim, o servidor executa alguma tarefa computacional em nome de "clientes".

Por exemplo, um servidor que hospedar um jogo para o mundo enquanto os clientes poderiam acessar o jogo remotamente. Ele tem muitas portas TCP abertas. Cada recurso tem uma aba na parte superior.

Digitalizar um alvo pode levar de 30 segundos a algumas horas para completar o processo. Para ver os resultados, clique no index. Em seguida, selecione a guia rastreador. Este arquivo pode ser copiado para um arquivo de texto para um produto final. A parte inferior da janela esquerda intitulado Digitalizar Alertas mostra as categorias de vulnerabilidades encontradas.

Esses detalhes podem ser copiados para um resultado final. Clique no Criptografia sub-aba e clique em Exibir certificados. Cer arquivo. Clique em Ok duas vezes. Clique no caixa ao lado Use este servidor proxy para todos os protocolos e clique em OK. Para ver o vulnerabilidades, clique no Alertas guia. ATerminal janela pop-up com o Websploit bandeira. HD Moore criado em Em nosso primeiro passo, vamos usar nmap para fazer a varredura da rede local.

Vamos ver se podemos procurar um exploit e tirar proveito disso. Raiz acesso significa acesso completo ao seu servidor remoto alvo. Para ver os resultados de uma varredura, clique no Resultados guia. O imagem seguinte mostra www. Este livro vai cobrir mais sobre como comprometida e-mail servidores podem ser usados para a engenharia Neste social exemplo, usaremos Netcat como a ferramenta para se conectar ao servidor de correio.

Uma vez que se conectar ao servidor usando Netcat, usamos o HELO comando para informar o que servidor que somos. Em seguida, podemos usar o servidor de email para retransmitir mensagens para futuros ataques do lado do cliente. WebSlayer tem um gerador de carga e os resultados do analisador. A figura a seguir mostra WebSlayer alvo www.

Isto pode ser encontrado editando o arquivo john. Alterar a lista de arquivos para o nome do seu novo arquivo de lista de palavras. O novo arquivo de lista de palavras deve estar na pasta especificada no john.

Assim, para executar John the Ripper em um arquivo sombra, tipo john sombra. Por exemplo, existem interfaces nomeada eth0 e eth1, emitir o comando Ifdown eth0 para desativar o eth0 interface. Para fazer isso, vamos precisar de utilizar o terminal de comando, uma vez mais. Normalmente, o cliente termo refere-se a terminais utilizados por pessoas. Atacantes da vida real usar SET para criar ataques ativos e maliciosos.

O Kali 1. Verifique que as obras definidas usando o comando se-kit de ferramentas. Para este exemplo, vamos selecionar Vetores de Ataque Website, porque anteriormente clonado um site por um ataque baseado na Web site. Em seguida, precisamos determinar como entregar a carga. Vamos olhar para a clonagem de um website para fins de roubo uma senha. Sites populares como Facebook, Gmail, Twitter e ter modelos. Entrando o URL do site pode clonar outros sites. MITM Proxy permite que um administrador para alterar o pedido ou resposta de um servidor web.

Baixe Nessus para o Debian. Log para a interface de gerenciamento Nessus. Nessus tem alguns modelos integrados. Latest Books. Articulate Storyline Essentials 18 June Beginning SharePoint Development 18 June Beginning SharePoint 18 June Popular Categories. Programmer-books is a great source of knowledge for software developers. Here we share with you the best software development books to read. Best 3 Python books For Programmers [] 25 September The mount point is the directory that will house the contents of the file system on the selected partition.

When the Linux kernel lacks sufficient free memory, it will store inactive parts of RAM in a special swap partition on the hard disk. The virtual memory sub- system makes this transparent to applications. To simulate the additional memory, Win- dows uses a swap paging file that is directly contained in a file system. Conversely, Linux uses a partition dedicated to this purpose, hence the term swap partition. This case is automated in the guided partitioning. See section 4. Note that this feature is used by the guided partitioning when you set up encrypted partitions.

You just have to confirm whether you want to use this mirror Figure 4. It sometimes helps to speed up downloads by keeping a copy of files that have been transferred through it we then speak of a caching proxy. In some cases, it is the only means of accessing an external web server; in such cases the installer will only be able to download the Debian packages if you properly fill in this field during installation.

If you do not provide a proxy address, the installer will attempt to connect directly to the Internet. This program loads the Linux kernel into memory and then executes it. The boot loader often offers a menu that allows you to choose the kernel to load or the operating system to boot. As noted in Figure 4. This should be your current boot drive. This is why you should accept the offer to install it in the Master Boot Record.

Keeping older kernel versions preserves the ability to boot the system if the most recently installed kernel is defective or poorly adapted to the hardware.

We thus recommend that you keep a few older kernel versions installed. Finally, the installer will do some cleanup work, like removing packages that are specific to creat- ing the live environment.

This will pro- tect your data if your laptop or hard drive is lost or stolen. The partitioning tool can help you in this process, both in guided and manual mode. Both features can also be set up and configured through manual partitioning mode. Using LVM terminology, a virtual partition is a logical volume, which is part of a volume group, or an association of several physical volumes. Physical volumes are real partitions or virtual partitions exported by other abstractions, such as a software RAID device or an encrypted partition.

The benefits are twofold: the size of the partitions is no longer limited by individual disks but by their cumulative volume, and you can resize existing partitions at any time, such as after adding an additional disk. This technique works in a very simple way: each volume, whether physical or logical, is split into blocks of the same size, which LVM correlates. The addition of a new disk will cause the creation of a new physical volume providing new blocks that can be associated to any volume group.

All of the partitions in the volume group can then take full advantage of the additional allocated space. Linux and more particularly the dm-crypt driver uses the device mapper to create the virtual partition whose contents are protected based on an underlying partition that will store the data in an encrypted form thanks to LUKS. LUKS standardizes the storage of the encrypted data as well as meta-information that indicates the encryption algorithms used.

This will encrypt and protect the data on your disk. The guided partitioning installer will automatically assign a physical partition for the storage of encrypted data, as shown in Figure 4. At this point, the installer will confirm the changes before they are written on the disk. This makes the areas that contain data indistinguishable from the unused areas, making it more difficult to detect, and subsequently attack, the encrypted data.

In order to view the contents of the encrypted partition, you will need to enter this passphrase every time you reboot the system. Note the warning in the installer: your encrypted system will only be as strong as this passphrase. Here, LVM is not used to make it easy to extend the storage size, but just for the convenience of the indirection allowing to split a single encrypted partition into multiple logical volumes.

Next, the resulting partitioning scheme is displayed Figure 4. Each method has its own advantages and disadvantages. Depending on when the preseeding happens, the questions that can be pre- seeded vary. Some bootloaders will let you edit these parameters interactively which is practical for testing purposes , but if you want to make the changes persis- tent, you will have to modify the bootloader configuration.

See the full list1 of aliases in the Debian installation manual. There is no restriction on which questions you can preseed since boot parameters are available from the start of the installation process and they are processed very early.

However, the number of boot parameters is limited to 32 and a number of those are already used by default. It is also important to realize that changing the boot loader configuration can be non-trivial at times. In section 9. Usually, this requires rebuilding the debian-installer source package to generate new versions of the initrd. However, live-build offers a convenient way to do this, which is detailed in section 9. This method also does not have any restrictions on the questions that you can preseed as the preseed file is available immediately after boot.

In Kali, we already make use of this feature to customize the behavior of the official Debian installer. FEJB You can add a preseed file on the boot media CD or USB key ; preseeding then happens as soon as the media is mounted, which means right after the questions about language and keyboard layout.

You may not preseed answers to language and country options as the preseeding file is loaded later in the process, once the hardware drivers have been loaded. On the positive side, live-build makes it easy to put a supplementary file in the generated ISO images see section 9.

However, when using this method, remember that the network must first be configured. This means that network-related debconf questions in particular hostname and domain name and all the preceding questions like language and country cannot be preseeded with this method.

This method is most often used in combination with boot parameters preseeding those specific questions. This preseeding method is the most flexible one as you can change the installation configuration without changing the installation media. A line is split across four fields separated by white space spaces or tabs.

Note that it must be separated from the third field with a single space; additional space characters are consid- ered part of the value. The simplest way to write a preseed file is to install a system by hand. Then the debconf-get- selections --installer command will provide the answers you provided to the installer.

You can obtain answers directed to other packages with debconf-get-selections. However, a cleaner solution is to write the preseed file by hand, starting from an example and then going through the documentation. With this approach, only questions where the default answer needs to be overridden can be preseeded. To make those devices more accessible to Kali users, Offensive Security developed scripts to build disk images2 that are ready for use with various ARM devices.

Here are the basic steps: 1. Download the image for your ARM device and ensure that the checksum matches the one provided on the website see section 2.

Note that the images are usually xz-compressed; make sure to uncompress them with unxz. Copy the downloaded image to the storage device with dd. Some DHCP servers have tools or web interfaces to show the current leases. Change the root password and generate new SSH host keys, especially if the device will be permanently running on a public network!

Because of this, it is quite useful to be able to troubleshoot problems that appear in the installation process. Most of the command line tools are provided by BusyBox so the feature set is rather limited, but it is enough to figure out most of the problems that you are likely to encounter.

If you managed to fix the problem through the shell access congratulations! It offers multiple ways to export the logs, as shown in Figure 4. You can then launch a browser from another computer on the same network and download all the log files and screen- shots that you have taken with the Screenshot button available on each screen.

In addition, your machine must have a CPU supported by at least one of the amd64, i, armel, armhf, or arm64 architectures. This will protect your data if your laptop or hard drive is lost or stolen. You can preseed answers to the installer with boot parameters, with a preseed file in initrd, with a preseed file on the boot media, or with a preseed file from the network.

ARM installation is fairly straightforward. First, in sec- tion 5. In section 5. Finally, we will discuss services in section 5. You can create profiles to save multiple wired network configurations and easily switch between them. For wireless networks, their settings are automatically tied to their public identifier SSID.

Each network device managed by ifupdown can be deconfigured at any time with ifdown network- device. For example, a plain DHCP configuration looks like this: auto lo iface lo inet loopback auto eth0 iface eth0 inet dhcp Note that the special configuration for the loopback device should always be present in this file.

Its inte- gration with the systemd init system makes it a very attractive choice. It is not specific to Debian- based distributions contrary to ifupdown and has been designed to be very small, efficient, and relatively easy to configure if you understand the syntax of systemd unit files. This is an especially attractive choice if you consider NetworkManager bloated and hard to configure. You configure systemd-networkd by placing.

The format of those files is documented in systemd. BUDI section indicates the network interfaces the configuration applies to. You can specify the interface in many ways, including by media access control MAC address or device type. In this scenario, systemd-networkd makes it easier to manage both sides in a consistent manner while still supporting all sorts of virtual network devices that you might need in this type of scenario see systemd.

Their formats are documented in passwd 5 , shadow 5 , group 5 , and gshadow 5 respectively. While these files can be manually edited with tools like vipw and vigr, there are higher level tools to perform the most common operations.

The most typical way to add a user is with the adduser command, which takes a required argument: the username for the new user that you would like to create.

The adduser command asks a few questions before creating the account but its usage is fairly straightforward. You can, for example, define the range of user identifiers UIDs that can be used, dictate whether or not users share a common group or not, define default shells, and more. This provides the user with a set of standard directories and config- uration files. In some cases, it will be useful to add a user to a group other than their default main group in order to grant additional permissions.

For example, a user who is included in the sudo group has full administrative privileges through the sudo command. This can be achieved with a command such as adduser user group. A disabled account means the user cannot login or gain access to the machine. The account remains intact on the machine and no files or data are deleted; it is simply inaccessible. This is accomplished by using the command passwd -l user lock. The command gpasswdgroup changes the password for the group, while the gpasswd -r group command deletes it.

We will start by discussing configuration files and will proceed to explain how some important services such as SSH, Post- greSQL, and Apache function and how they can be configured.

First, you should read what the package maintainer has documented. Debian file is a good place to start. This file will often contain information about the package, including pointers that may refer you to other documentation. You will often save yourself a lot of time, and avoid a lot of frustration, by reading this file first since it often details the most common errors and solutions to most common problems.

Refer to section 6. Also, dpkg -s package displays the package meta-data and shows any possible recommended or suggested pack- ages; in there, you can find documentation or perhaps a utility that will ease the configuration of the software.

Finally, the configuration files are often self-documented by many explanatory comments detail- ing the various possible values for each configuration setting. In some cases, you can get software up and running by uncommenting a single line in the configuration file. They may serve as a basis for your own configuration file. It is an indus- try standard tool ssh and service sshd for connecting to machines remotely.

While the openssh-server package is installed by default, the SSH service is disabled by default and thus is not started at boot time. You can manually start the SSH service with systemctl start ssh or configure it to start at boot time with systemctl enable ssh.

The default configuration disables password-based logins for the root user, which means you must first set up SSH keys with ssh-keygen. To apply the new settings, you should run systemctl reload ssh. It is rarely useful on its own but is used by many other services to store data. Those services will generally access the database server over the network and usually require authentication credentials to be able to connect.

Setting up those services thus requires creating PostgreSQL databases and user accounts with appropriate privileges on the database. This can be con- figured in postgresql.

By default, connections on the file-based socket use the Unix user account as the name of the PosgreSQL user, and it assumes that no further authentication is required. We will use this identity to create new users and new databases. Likewise, the createdb command adds a new database and dropdb removes one. Each of these commands have their own manual pages but we will discuss some of the options here.

These commands must connect to the PostgreSQL server to do their job and they must be authenti- cated as a user with sufficient privileges to be able to execute the specified operation.

From the point of view of the PostgreSQL tools, such a cluster is just an instance of a database server running on a specific port.

What you must know is that when a new major version of PostgreSQL gets installed on your system, it will create a new cluster that will run on the next port usually and you will keep using the old version until you migrate your databases from the old cluster to the new one. You can drop it once you have checked that the upgraded cluster works fine. Being a network service, it is disabled by default. You can manually start it with systemctl start apache2.

With more and more applications being distributed as web applications, it is important to have some knowledge of Apache in order to host those applications, whether for local usage or for making them available over the network. Apache is a modular server and many features are implemented by external modules that the main program loads during its initialization. The default configuration only enables the most common modules, but enabling new modules is easily done by running a2enmod module.

Use a2dismod module to disable a module. Apache 2. It first needs to be enabled with a2enmod ssl, then the required directives must be added to the configuration files. The default configuration for Apache 2 enables name-based virtual hosts. You can then enable the new virtual host with a2ensite www. The first existing file in the list is used and sent as a response.

BUDI—also tells the server to follow symbolic links, but only when the link and its target have the same owner. These are directives embedded in HTML pages and executed on the fly for each request. VMUJ7JFXT—enables content negotiation; this can be used by the server to return a web page matching the preferred language as configured in the browser.

Requiring Authentication In some circumstances, access to part of a website needs to be re- stricted, so only legitimate users who provide a username and a password are granted access to the contents.

These directives are recursive, expanding the scope to all subdirectories. For instance, you could restrict access to the local network with the following directive: Require ip Without any argument, it runs the systemctl list-units command, which outputs a list of the active units.

If you run systemctl status, the output shows a hierarchical overview of the running services. Comparing both out- puts, you immediately see that there are multiple kinds of units and that services are only one among them.

Each is possibly modified by other service-name. They represent a desired state that you want to attain in terms of activated units which means a running service in the case of service units.

They exist mainly as a way to group dependencies on other units. When the system starts, it enables the units required to reach the default. So all the dependencies of those targets get activated during boot.

Such dependencies are expressed with the 8BOUT directive on the target unit. And this is exactly what systemctl enable foo. Conversely, systemctl disable foo. The enable and disable commands do not change anything regarding the current status of the services. They only influence what will happen at next boot. If you want to run the service immediately, you should execute systemctl start foo. Conversely, you can stop it with systemctl stop foo.

You can also inspect the current status of a service with systemctl status foo. After having changed the configuration of a service, you may wish to reload it or restart it: those operations are done with systemctl reload foo. We configured network settings, talked about users and groups, and discussed how to create and modify user accounts, set passwords, disable accounts, and manage groups. An even newer tool, systemd-networkd works with the systemd init system.

Several commands can be used to modify group identity: newgrp changes the current group ID, sg executes a command using the supplied alternate group, the TFUHJE bit can be placed on a directory, causing files created in that directory to automatically belong to the correct group. In addition, the id command displays the current state of a user including a list of their group membership. The default configuration disables password-based logins for the root user, which means you must first setup SSH keys with ssh-keygen.

Solving that problem is then often a matter of understanding it and then taking advantage of various resources to find a solution or work-around. In this chapter, we will discuss the various information sources available and discuss the best strategies for finding the help you need or the solution to a problem you might be facing. Lastly, we will introduce bug reporting and show you how to take advantage of bug filing systems to troubleshoot problems and lay out strategies to help you file your own bug report so that undocumented issues can be handled quickly and effectively.

To view a manual page, simply type man manual-page. The manual page usually coincides with the command name. For example, to learn about the possible options for the cp command, you would type man cp at the command prompt. Man pages not only document programs accessible from the command line, but also configuration files, system calls, C library functions, and so forth.

Sometimes names can collide. This is why manual pages are organized in the following numbered sections: 1. Commands that can be executed from the command line 2. System calls functions provided by the kernel 3.

Library functions provided by system libraries 4. Configuration files formats and conventions 6. Games 7. Sets of macros and standards 8. System administration commands 9. Kernel routines You can specify the section of the manual page that you are looking for: to view the documentation for the read system call, you would type man 2 read.

When no section is explicitly specified, the first section that has a manual page with the requested name will be shown. Thus, man shadow returns shadow 5 because there are no manual pages for shadow in sections 1—4. Of course, if you do not know the names of the commands, the manual is not going to be of much use to you. Enter the apropos command, which searches manual pages or more specifically their short descriptions for any keywords that you provide.

The apropos command then returns a list of manual pages whose summary mentions the requested keywords along with the one-line summary from the manual page.

If you choose your keywords well, you will find the name of the command that you need. This format offers some advantages but the default program to view these documents also called info is slightly more complex.

You would be well advised to use pinfo instead from the pinfo package. To install it, simply run apt update followed by apt install pinfo see section 8. The info documentation has a hierarchical structure and if you invoke pinfo without parameters, it will display a list of the nodes available at the first level.

Usually, nodes bear the name of the corresponding commands. You can use the arrow keys to navigate between nodes. Alternatively, you could also use a graph- ical browser which is a lot more user-friendly such as konqueror or yelp. As far as language translations are concerned, the info system is always in English and is not suit- able for translation, unlike the man page system.

However, when you ask the pinfo program to display a non-existing info page, it will fall back on the man page by the same name if it exists , which might be translated. The main package generally recommends the documentation package so that you can easily find it. Debian file also indicates all of the adap- tations that were made to comply with the Debian Policy.

The changelog. Finally, there is sometimes a NEWS. These sites are loaded with relevant information in various forms such as official documentation, frequently asked questions FAQ , and mailing list archives. In most cases, the FAQ or mailing list archives address problems that you have encountered. As you search for information online, it is immensely valuable to master search syntax. One quick tip: try restricting a search to a specific domain, like the one dedicated to the program that is giving you trouble.

If the search returns too many pages or if the results do not match what you seek, you can add the keyword kali or debian to limit results and target relevant information. While this book covers a large part of what you should know about Kali Linux, the documentation there might still be useful as it contains step-by-step instructions much like how-tos on many topics. In this section, we will only present two official Kali Linux communities.

Like every web-based forum, you must create an account to be able to post and the system remembers what posts you have already seen, making it easy to follow conversations on a regular basis. You must be respectful of other community members so as to create a welcoming community. Advertising is banned and off-topic discussions are to be avoided. There are enough categories to cover everything that you would like to discuss about Kali Linux. Kali Linux is al- so considered as a successor to Backtrack.

Back- evolution of Kali Linux track was based on Ubuntu Distribution www. When Backtrack was initially developed by Offen- ubuntu. They started releasing BT ver- venting the wheel again. Kali Linux was built from sions with their name, as depicted on Figure1. Kali Linux is considered an enterprise ready solu- tion, because it considered enterprise users when it was designed.

Kali runs on a Debian platform, which supports many software repositories to keep updating OS with latest releases and patch. This capability reduces updating problem, which users were facing on BT environment.

So MSF most important ar- Figure 1. Also attract pentesters to build image for this. Galaxy note Directory Structure www. Offensive security has also put lots of effort to make Kali enterprise ready solution by adding more tools in Kali. Figure 4 shows the compari- son between Backtrack and Kali Figure 5. Figure 3. Kali Vs. Backtrack: Change in Directory Structure Figure 4. Opening metaspoloit with msfconsole command Figure 5. Steps followed to exploit the vulnerability Figures Steps explained in a nutshell.

Searching exploits for netapi Figure 8. Setting up exploit, adding required variables, and exploiting the target Figure 9. Verifying exploited system www. Researchers and developers of offensive security have put their best effort to make Kali plat- Step 4: exploit run Successfully, Run vNC form enterprise ready.

Debian based Operating repositories system has also good market capture so move- Installation ment from Ubuntu to Debian platform will definitely give power to end users. Discover how to master Big Data from real-world practitioners — instructors who work in the trenches and can teach you from real-world experience! In this article, we will review how to couple the functionality of Kali Linux with Android platform over HTC One X smartphone to create an invincible penetration-testing weapon.

T he global market is flooded, ruled by android- making it the most widely used platform. It is con- based mobile devices and smartphones. These devic- dation base for community-driven mobile projects.

Tasks like connectivity, sharing, process Android devices, built on Linux kernel version 2. The android oper- able on HTC Dream handset in Since then ating system has made smartphones and mobile numerous updates have incrementally improved devices, a very powerful tool in the hands of secu- the operating system base and added new and rity professionals and even deadlier in the hands improved functionality.

The latest official release of black hats. These Initially developed by Android Inc. Android is an Open Handset tic feedback capabilities.

The Android framework is Alliance product and released under the Apache very extensive as it has a layered approach. It has license. The power of Android platform lies in the five layers, the kernel and low-level tools, the na- thousands of apps running on it, backed by a strong tive libraries, the android runtime with Dalvik virtual and active open source developer community.

The present kernel is 3. Table 1. The biggest ap- jsp? Table 01 provides a list of widely used open markets, but 14 Soc. Android Architecture, taken from wiki www. Unlocking the Bootloader provides tra the focus is stealth. Kali Linux was created for the user with the option to change the stock oper- stealth and attack, this amazing distribution is an ating system on the mobile device.

However, root- advanced and more versatile version of Backtrack ing is the process of modifying or altering the de- ever created. This distribution is geared towards fault operating system shipped with the device to professional penetration testers and security audi- gain complete control over it.

Kali has gone beyond any live cd distro and This means that the limitations of carriers and moved into the category of a full-fledged operat- various manufacturers put on the device is eas- ing system. It has moved to a solid base of Debi- ily bypassed, extended functionality is accessed an modules and is completely File Hierarchy Sys- without any problems, custom modules and up- tem FHS compliant. All directories appear under grades can be added without any limitations.

Now the user can execute any tool from anywhere in the file-system, irrespective of its installed location. The second advantage of Kali is its support for ARM hardware and ability to boot- strap the installation directly from the repositories. Kali operating system has over three hundred penetration testing tools and wireless device sup- port. Its kernel is highly patched and network services are disabled by default making it more secure. Kali is not just for network security profes- sionals, beginners can also start learning about cyber security using this distribution.

Whether you are pentesting wireless, exposing server vulner- Figure 2. Unlock Bootloader abilities, performing a web application based ex- ploit, learning, or doing social engineering, Kali is the one-stop-shop for all security needs. Kali is free and now ported on Android based smartphone to be taken anywhere. These tools are all categorised in fif- teen different categories for various purposes. HTC provides instructions on their website to unlock the Bootloader for HTC One X, but by performing this operation, the user voids all warranty on the device.

Once the device gets connected successfully to the PC, login to the HTCDev web- site with the registered user name and password. Linux Deploy Bootloader to start the wizard. The website prompts to sign a disclaimer that clearly states, the warranty is void and proceed- ing further would mean that every repair would be charged. The website wizard finishes by request- ing the device Token ID extracted from the mobile phone.

Next step is to install SuperSu app, which is an access management tool. Now with root privilege on the mobile device, Kali Linux can be installed.

Install inish quality video Figure Ka- li Linux GUI will show up. Extracted folder containing kali. Armitage is a scriptable tool for Metasploit that visualizes tar- gets, recommends exploits and exposes the ad- vanced post-exploitation features in the Metasploit framework.

It has many features for discovery, access, post-exploitation, and manoeuvre, which makes is more effective. The chroot operation changes the root directory for the current running processes and its children processes by creating and hosting a sepa- rate virtualised environment. Any program deployed using this operation is confined to the defined base directory. Here the chroot operation is used to setup the Kali Linux platform for pentesting. To run the Kali Figure 9. Figure The begin- ners can start using kali GUI on mobile device and the more experienced who are comfortable with the terminals can have fun using kali CLI.

In the future, more mobile-based tools and apps are going to flood the markets and we need to start using mobile devices and smartphones as they and becoming inexpensive and more functional. Hope this article is helpful, informative and encourages you towards the field of cyber security and pentesting. He has worked in various roles, i. Cur- rently he works as an Independent consultant in network and systems security. He has var- ied interests including malware analysis, open source intelli- gence gathering, reversing, ofensive security and hardware Figure Metasploit in Kali chroot hacking.

Email: Daniel techngeeks. K ali Linux is probably one of the distributions mation. Knowing all the potential weak points is more complete for the realization of pene- our goal.

To do this the first thing that we are going tration test. This is accompanied by many to do is to conduct a port scan with nmap. In this tools of all kinds. We will focus on the following: Information Gath- ering, search vulnerabilities, exploitation and Post exploitation.

It is important to know that: in this article you are working with a series of tools for a specific pur- pose, but this does not mean that the tool can only be used for this purpose. The vast majority of the tools have multiple uses. Nmap: Information gathering When we are ready to perform an attack, the first and most important step is the collection of infor- Figure 1. Result of scan with Zenmap. The Some of the services that are attacked : scan showed a few open ports on the server, and this may give us some clues as to where to find Port 21 FTP potential vulnerabilities.

The information which has Port pop3 taken us back is quite juicy, the server that we are Port mysql attacking has more of a role assigned, therefore more points to that attack. These protocols and their connec- tion, have a very robust encryption, which is why it is more complex to obtain a key using brute force, or crack a password snifing the trafic on a LAN.

As an example; both by the port 21 as the could be attempting to perform a brute-force at- tack.


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