Play as a member of Team Rocket! Featuring a story that takes place at the same time as the original FireRed, Rocket Edition will play with your expectations and allow you to experience the classic story from a whole new perspective. A well-trodden tale if there ever was one… but it is far from the whole story.
What is the connection between Lance, Giovanni and Professor Oak? How was the mysterious Mewtwo created? Not to mention: what is the fate of the hundreds of Trainers Red so ruthlessly defeat?
Please note that Rocket Edition is a hack of " Pokemon Fire Red U Squirrels " — trying to apply the patch to any other version of the game will not work. Check out this video for instructions on how to play. You may also use either of these banners if you want to support the game: Other fan art contributions are heartily welcomed as well! Join us on Discord! Account Name. Password Forgot password? Keep me signed in. Community members will not see the footer advertisement.
Age Story brief. Spoiler :. I would largely attribute my motivation to stick at making Rocket Edition to the memory of how much fun I had playing through the original alpha version of Toxic Purple back in Also for making public many of his ASM routines for novel mechanics, which have been used in this game. JPAN , who deserves credit not only for his excellent ASM tutorial, but also for the myriad of extremely useful functions and fixes included in his FireRed Hacked Engine, of which Rocket Edition makes use of quite a few.
Touched and daniilS for answering my newbish ASM questions, and for providing me with in-depth explanations of unfamiliar concepts where they arose. Navenatox , whose dynamic color palette patch has made putting together maps and story scenes so much easier during development. His dynamic map music script, as well as his finding of the tweak that allows for changing preset option settings have also made Rocket Edition cleaner and smoother.
Jambo51 , routine for class-based Trainer music, and for making the player face every challenged Trainer. HackMew , as should go without saying, for making all the excellent ROM hacking tools that I have relied on so heavily during development.
He should also, of course, take credit for locating the simple tweak that lets the player run inside. Ghoulslash , for quality-of-life hacks used in the game, and for very generous personalised help in fixing their errors!
Jambo51 ,. Source code. Final thoughts. Respond Ignore User Report. If file is multipart don't forget to check all parts before downloading! In next page click regular or free l2 exe interlude download and wait certain amount of time usually around 30 seconds until download button will appead. Xforce Keygen Mac. Click it and That's it, you're done amigo! L2 exe interlude download will begin. Buenos Dias Chicos. Hoy les traigo un Tutorial de como cambiar l2. Playing Lineage 2 in Windows 7 Gameguard Fix.
Not to mention: what is the fate of the hundreds of Trainers Red so ruthlessly defeat? Download Community Credits.
Download now. Introduction Play as a member of Team Rocket! As you rise up the ranks of Team Rocket, you will gain the opportunity to steal from more and more Trainer classes. All of the significant characters from the original game make their appearance in Rocket Edition, and many of them will challenge you to battle as well.