If you are thinking of organizing your trip on your own , this option of having your trekking routes on your mobile will be very valuable to move easily and without getting lost. For this, there is a very good option called Google MyMaps , in which you can create your own map, with all the stops or landmarks , and add it to Google Maps to then be used offline. Once you have this application installed, you should start creating the map of the places you want to visit.
We are going to continue with the same Torres del Paine example, so we will give that name to our map. With the map created, you should start adding the places you think are most important. In our case, we give the example of Las Torres del Paine , one of the impressive places to see in Torres del Paine and that give the name to the national park itself. For this, you must adjust to the exact point where it is located.
In this case, is Las Torres del Paine. Once set, you only need to add the name to the point and accept. It is these two blue icons that we have created on the map and that you can see.
Once you have created this custom map, as everything is linked to your Google account , you will only have to combine the route with the map of the area you have previously downloaded. There's two ways to access this setting for Android devices — you can either go into your phone's Settings app and search for "Location," then make sure the switch on the top of the Location page is toggled on, or you can access your phone's Quick Settings panel and tap on the "Location" tile if you have the tile set on there.
Set the toggle switch to the on position here, or choose either "Allow all the time" or "Allow only while the app is in use" if you're on Android 10 or higher. If you're using an iPhone, go to the "Privacy" menu in your Settings app, then tap on "Locations Services.
To download routes using your cellular data, open Google Maps and open its side menu, then tap on "Offline maps. At this point, you're ready to download offline maps. If you're using an Android device, open Google Maps and either type your target destination into the search bar or put a pin on it by long-pressing the location. From there, tap on "Directions" in the lower-right corner and decide on a route. With the directions pulled up, tap on the black banner right below the destination entry to download an offline copy of the entire map and all the businesses along your route.
After that, you can proceed to the next step. If you're using an iPhone or if you didn't see the black banner on Android, the process of downloading offline maps is a little more tedious, but it's still doable. To get started, open Google Maps and tap on the hamburger menu in the top-left corner, then choose "Offline areas," and select "Custom area" on the following screen.
Must see tips to stay safe on public Wi-Fi. You can customize your map within this period manually by just going back to offline map menu and then download option. Include your email address to get a message when this question is answered. Submit a Tip All tip submissions are carefully reviewed before being published.
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