By some sort of miracle or by grace of God, I am making a speedy recovery a Do you feel that your games might like more realistic combat wounds and damage without losing the ease and abstraction of hit p Don't Split the Party. The Running of the Gorgons. Win Fame and Fortune in the Arena This is a back-of-the-envelope calculation to illustrate one way of looking at this. The RPG mark Akratic Wizardry. Kiwi Gandalf - News from Middle-earth: "New Zealand council ends contract with wizard after two decades of service" "The official Wizard of New Zealand, perhaps the on Follow Me And Die!
I had not heard of the FKR, so I had to ask what it was. The first article I read was on Board Ga Eddison, originally published in It is an amalgam of mythological tradi Gothridge Manor. Who Wants an Adventure? A Cool Location? How about an NPC Card? She is my 34th NPC Card. An elven mage with some anger issues.
She is statt Goblin Punch. Strange lights fell from the night sky, started strange fire Papers and Pencils. It began as a desperate groping towards meaning. Dedicating myself to writing meant I could ca Victorious RPG. Monstrous Matters. This Google Doodle is freaking awesome - So I'm starting to write this post on Friday evening, and the week at work was a bit stressful this time around, so you could probably put one of those The Mystical Trash Heap. Smoldering Wizard. This Blog has Moved!
Jeffs Gameblog. Encounter Critical news?!? Silver Bulette Blog. What's wrong with megadungeons? I know, I am a little behind, as I was dealing with my cancer when it came out. In the blog, DM David ChicagoWiz's Games. Guess it's not meant to be - for now - Well, I tried. I got some folks interested in possibly playing a run through the classic module U1 - The Sinister Secret of Saltmarsh. Just thought you should know. Skip to content. This entry was posted in Level 1 , No Regerts , Reviews.
Bookmark the permalink. October 25, at am. Anonymous says:. Skarpskytten says:. October 26, at am. Nice review; sounds a bit like Barrowmaze, which I find playable but rather bland.
SolCannibal says:. Sapphire Crook says:. October 27, at am. Stu Ordana says:. October 27, at pm. Overall, some negative points but I think this would be a fun mega-dungeon to run.
Common DM says:. February 3, at am. February 7, at am. Bryce Lynch says:. You seem to have created a project for yourself. November 14, at pm. November 14, at am. Barrowmaze comes across as a labor of love. This one comes across as a labor of greed. March 18, at pm. Leave a Reply Cancel reply. Search for:. Uncategorized The link to the product in this review is probably an affiliate link.
Reviews 2. Please log in to add or reply to comments. The latest update to this PDF has a very good set of bookmarks which make it much easier to use. Very appreciated. This is a really good sandbox campaign with a lot of built in hooks in the form of related items players can seek out which you might miss in a fast read. You can run these dungeons cold but if you want a longer, more player driven adventure give them a reason to track down and collect those items.
I really like the adventure and there is a lot of great stuff here. I do wish that there was a decent set of content bookmarks in the PDF for navigation. Many many small dungeons and the maps are easy to navigate and near the room keys in the book. Lots of great art. It would be pretty swell if they offered this as a Roll20 module with all the maps and images and such already broken out. Were the spelling errors fixed?
I'd do print on demand but if the layout is off and there's a TON of spelling errors I'd think I'll pass. It's funny that Barrowmaze gets good reviews? Does it have the same issues? Given the proliferation of VTT play, how can this not have been published with digital maps?
The files were updated November What changed? I'm very intrigued by what I've heard about this, but it's asking kind of a lot to spend this kind of money without even a preview available. You'd probably sell more if we could make a more educated decision. I have been pouring over this thing for a few weeks, ready to have my group run it they are trekking overland to get to Middenmark as we speak.
TBH, the layout could have been better, nearly every page it is riddled with spelling errors, and there are constant references to ACs of 10 while Labyrinth Lord uses a top AC of 9. None of these are deal breakers, and the content is meaty, so this is a comment rather than a review. Thanks Greg. I wish it was a little easier to run straight at the table, but I'm glad I've read it multiple times to get an overall grasp of how it might work at the table.
I'll review it once I've had a chance to actually play it. Thomas Z I have to agree, I am very disappointed with the quality of the book I received. As he pointed out, everything is an "A" with the exception of the binding and the paper.
The paper is such low quality for the amount of money asking here I mean, how are you justifying this price? And please don't tell me its the content, there are many others offering similar and the quality is much better. In hindsight, had I known this and there isn't even a quick preview here , I would not have purchased. Sorry, but I now have buyers remorse.
Binding and printing rests squarely with RPGnow. I suggest you contact them. This is a nostalgia retrogame and the decisions within reflect that approach.
If you enjoy OSR games, this one is def hard to level content criticisms. We can agree to disagree. Just received my print-on-demand copy today. Layout, general presentation, art, and certainly the nostalgia of the book definitely get an "A" but the binding is seriously underwhelming given the price tag. I question the long term durability. Will be treated with kid gloves for sure.
Without another book to compare to it would be difficult to tell if there is an issue or just a poor quality binding in general. Fortunately the content of book itself is excellent so I'm very pleased with that. Good work Greg! I think perhaps you misunderstood what Ben the "Questing Beast" said in his video he said some people told him some things were allegeldy missing, but he had no personal knowledge of this.
In case, I have the 5e version of this product, and the monster and NPC stats are listed at the end of the PDF I cannot speak about the hardcopy, but I would have to assume the PDF would have exactly the same content as the print version. The monster and NPC stats run from page through page , so it seems all the stats are in there.
There is also a full description of new spells and several other tables, etc. I have not noticed anything "missing. Finally, with respect to player character level, the idea is that the players' start See more with first-level characters when they first begin exploring the area around the dungeon, and by the time they reach the "end game" they are very high level characters assuming they survive.
In other words, this product is designed to build an entire campaign around, or to incorporate pieces of it into your existing campaign. In the chapter "Tribal Patrols: Encounters and Motivations" there is a table that describes tribal patrols and motivations Table: 4. The section detailing Fanged Legion Patrols uses an uppercase letter L when describing the composition of enemy combatants. For example: 4 2xL1 8 , 1xL2 15 , 1xL3 What does the uppercase L mean?
I purchased and Downloaded The Forbidden Caverns of Archaia 5E and noticed it does not have the beautiful Erol Otus cover art Could I please get a link to or a copy for print version of it? Sounds interesting though.
Questing Beast did a review of this on his youtube page, does a great job of going over it. Dave P. I'm going to begin by echoing Raj B. Even an entry in the back that says something like "Funeral Pyr [ Raj B. Overall this product should appeal to fans of OSR megadungeons. Forbidden Caves of Archaia is pretty well known in OSR circles, so its only natural that it was eventually converted to 5E.
I saw this campaign on Kickstarter and immediately backed it. See All Ratings and Reviews. Narrow Results. Wolfenoot Sale. Rule System. Dungeon Crawl Classics. Labyrinth Lord. Old-School Essentials. Other OSR Games. Product Type.