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VAT included in all prices where applicable. View mobile website. Only cards from SDBH1 to UVM2 were included, though characters without standard cards can still be played as by creating a custom card for them and select cards from later sets have been released in free updates.
Custom cards cannot be used in this mode. Only enemies from missions of Boss difficulty or above will appear on the list. Regular enemies ie Saibamen will only be counted if they are the primary targets.
Super Dragon Ball Heroes World Mission is a tactical card game with thrilling combat, strategy worthy of the best card games and an incredible story set in the huge universe of Dragon Ball Heroes!
Welcome to the City of Heroes, a parallel reality where everyone plays the Dragon Ball Heroes card game. Create your own avatar to become the Super Dragon Ball Heroes world champion.
But, when the enemies of the virtual game land in the City of Heroes to wreak havoc, you will have to rush into the game world and team up with the famous characters from Dragon Ball in order to restore peace to the real world.
The original Story Mode takes place in a future where warriors who have defended the planet in the past are treated like heroes. Thanks to its advanced technology, the Capsule Corporation has developed a card game based on the actions of these warriors: Super Dragon Ball Heroes. This event takes place in Hero Town , a wealthy town that will act as a lobby for players. The player will step into the shoes of Beat , a young man who came to town for the first time, and who will remain fascinated by the Super Dragon Ball Heroes tournament.
However, the road to becoming the greatest hero of all time will not be easy to follow, as following an unknown anomaly, the playing cards have suddenly taken shape in the real world, and the mighty enemies of the Dragon Ball world threaten.
Hero Town! Here, Beat and other heroes will have to use their skills to protect both the game and the real world. Dark Empire Saga Towa , a scientist of demonic descent, and Mira , a warrior created with the DNA of the mightiest warriors in Dragon World , threaten to destroy space and history in order to recover the seven Dark Dragon Balls.
Count more than 1, digital cards, which will allow you to summon more than characters. In addition to the previous port, World Mission will attempt to reproduce the original game as well as possible, respecting the 7v7 arcade team format, and combining the functionality of the double screen of the cabinet in a single screen, which will take full advantage. To help new players entering the world of Dragon Ball Heroes for the first time, the title will include an initiatory tutorial mode in which the Great Saiyaman 3 , your official guide, will list all the details of the game system and reveal the techniques to become real heroes.
Dragon Ball XenoVerse. Building on previous ports, World Mission has also perfected the original Mission Mode, a mode in which players can create their own custom mission to share with other users online. The mode will give great editing freedom, allowing you to model all the elements even the smallest as you wish: Strength parameters of warriors on the ground, Length of clearance offsets, Conditions of victory, Background music … What will delight fans will also be the option to modify the warrior skill set, with which you can equip your cards with the special abilities and attacks you prefer.
This means that you can create combinations that are unlikely, or never seen before: like Trunks using the Genki Dama, Zamasu using the Hakai, or Vegeta using the Mastery of Instinctive Movements…. It is implied that the Prison Planet Saga does not take place in this timeline, as Beat and Note have no knowledge of Cumber and Fu makes no appearance.
Much of the story and character traits of the avatars may or may not have drew inspiration from the discontinued Dragon Ball Heroes: Victory Mission manga, Create your own avatar, More than characters, Several thousand cards!
Prepare your best deck and become Super Dragon Ball Heroes world champion!