Their approximate performance according to the Script algorithm is as follows:. CGMiner is more optimized for Scrypt, with its help it is best to mine Litecoin. Only since version 3. It is important to note that Cgminer divides multi-chip video cards into 2 workers in the case of 2 processors. Accordingly, when using such devices, the maximum limit is up to 4 adapters per station.
You get complete information on the work of your cryptocurrency mining at any time of the day or night. You can independently distribute your power to different pools to find the most profitable combination. This code is provided entirely free of charge by the programmer in his spare time so donations would be greatly appreciated.
Please consider donating to the address below. Driver development for new ASIC only bitcoin hardware can be suitably sponsored. Do NOT download the latest version of cgminer 3.
The latest versions removed support for graphic cards and are only for ASIC hardware. The latest version you can get for Dogecoin mining is 3. A simple step by step guide demonstrating how to mine scrypt cryptocurrency i. Dogecoin, Litecoin etc. For security reasons, Windows may stop you from opening the bat file. In this case, you should permit it to open in the pop-up window. Latest version is 3. Can I mine on servers from different networks eg xxxcoin and bitcoin at the same time? Can I configure cgminer to mine with different login credentials or pools for each separate device?
Can you modify the display to include more of one thing in the output and less of another, or can you change the quiet mode or can you add yet another output mode?
Why does it fail when php is installed properly but I only get errors about Sockets not working in the logs? My keyboard input momentarily pauses or repeats keys every so often on windows while mining? CGMiner 3.
Download Now mirror. Detailed statistics You get complete information on the work of your cryptocurrency mining at any time of the day or night. Fixed commission No hidden fees. Each balance change is visible in the dashboard on the pool. Power distribution You can independently distribute your power to different pools to find the most profitable combination. To run mining on multiple computers, download and install the CGMiner application on all computers that will be used for mining.
Unzip downloaded package and open the. Do not forget to specify your wallet address in all files! Start mining Double click your Bat file to start the miner.
Download now Latest version is 3. What is an ASIC? They are Application Specify Integrated Circuit devices and provide the highest performance per unit power due to being dedicated to only one purpose.
It seems that the author of cgminer has removed the compiled Windows version of cgminer 3. The cgminer version 3. So if you are mining for Litecoin LTC or other alternative scrypt-based crypto currency you would need to download cgminer 3. The official download location only offers source code versions of the cgminer and that goes for cgminer 4.
So if you need to download cgminer 3. Alternatively you can edit the cgminer. Including 4. I just wanna know how my software will tell me when i actually get a coin. Or if you could just tell me what it looks like inside the bitcoin generator. Muhammad Danish. A good introduction to bitmining is at Nicehash. Also any Nvidia graphic cards the has 5.
Easy way to learn bitming till your ready to advance your knowledge. Minimum needed is Windows 7. K, have an older laptop running Windows 8. However, when I open the program to set my pathways to my mining pool and name, I am not able to find the. Anyone have any clues how to do this in Windows 8. I am currently at a lose and need the extra eyes for help, it probably staring me in the face. K, got as far as getting to the pools now.
Any ideas? Got the drivers for the usb card from downloading Radig.