This page is the step-by-step guide on how to download movies and TV shows and other video streams from Kodi addons. The method has been well tested on, and can apply to most download feature supported new addons. Meanwhile, if you find Kodi download not working, the effective solution is also here.
What's more, we've round up the best Kodi addons in that support download feature for you. Additionally, here is a piece of fast and reliable downloader software that comes highly recommended.
Prior to downloading movie and TV show streams from Kodi, you need to have some decent video addons installed. If you haven't already, please check out Best Kodi Addons in and Best Kodi Repositories in for curated installation choices and learn how to add addons to Kodi.
I'll demonstrate the addon's download feature configuration process with Exodus Redux , since it's the most popular and classic Exodus fork. The method applies to various Exodus forks and many other popular addons in with similar structure settings menu. For non-Exodus fork addons, the enabling download feature processes slightly vary but usually go with the same principle. Poke around in settings menu and you'll see it if it's there. What's more, best working addons in with download functionality are listed in the third part of this guide for you to check out.
Step 1. Locate the addon that you intend to enable download feature for here Exodus Redux , highlight but not select it, then right-click long press select on remote or C on keyboard on it to open its context menu. Step 2. Right-click long press select on remote or C on keyboard on it to open its context menu, then select Settings from the context menu.
Step 3. From the addon settings menu, as you can see, there're multiple tabs on the left side. Scroll down and highlight the Download tab. Then hit the toggle from the right side to tick on Enable downloads feature. Step 4. Once you've enabled the download feature, the two grayed out options underneath will become configurable, with them you can define a destination folder for your movies and TV shows downloads.
We suggest you point to two retrievable folders on writeable storage location read Part 2 to learn more on your device, so that you can easily access the download files later. Step 5. Lastly, click OK from the right side of the settings menu to save the setting and exit the settings menu. This is where most people get tripped up. They only specify one of the paths. Select Download and it will let you confirm if you want to download it. To make the most out of the download feature, you should also add a Video Source to your Kodi Video Library and use the same path that you specified in the Download settings.
That way, Kodi will scan that folder for any new videos and will include them in your Video Library. On a little side note, if you all you want is to get videos from streaming add-ons into your video library, there is a better way. Please keep in mind that while the law is a bit fuzzy when it comes to streaming videos , it is perfectly clear and definitely illegal to download and store such videos on your local storage devices.
I actually forgot that I wrote this about a year before I wrote an updated version. Check out the newer tutorial and see if it helps. If you use any file browser, you should be able to find that path to see and open that video file. Doing that creates a source for your video library.
New files downloaded there automatically get picked up by Kodi and will show in your TV shows or Movies library. There is a big difference legally between streaming copyrighted videos and downloading copyrighted videos. Read more about those legal differences.
Not sure what has happened to my downloading capability, but for some time now I am unable to find ANY downloaded file after going through the motions. Well, this is going to be less than helpful. Strange brew, indeed! Having gotten in your face with it, I must vehemently apologize for my inability to give you REAL evidence, or something well documented and repeatable. I certainly appreciate your taking the time to RE to what turns out to be a waste.
So sorry!!! Pretty mystefying! Nathan Kinkead — For the download process to work, a very necessary step was omitted in your tutorial. It baffles me why your site, and others, omit this needed step. The downloaded movie or tv program, will now be set to the path to go to the designated folder, as mentioned in your directions.
Users can then proceed to follow your instructions on downloading programs and then view them, in kodi or other external players, at their leisure. Would you consider updating your tutorial so that is is more effectively helpful to future visitors? Have a good day. Iam using kodi 19 with exodus redux and real debrid works great but there is no download button on it to download videos did they take it off the kodi 19 version.
It may be that it need some compatibility updates to work properly with Kodi