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Pick a file, any file From apps like Quickoffice, you can open and save files on Google Drive, other cloud storage services, or your device. Your office, anywhere Create and edit documents, spreadsheets and presentations from your phone or tablet with the newly redesigned Quickoffice. Even more features Check them out.
Bluetooth MAP support. Chromecast support. Chrome web view. Closed captioning. Device management built-in. Downloads app redesign. Easy home screen switching. Email app refresh. Full-screen wallpapers with preview. I like kit Kat but would like a change. This Kat. Download a version for your Android version and reflash. It does not work on CM Soft bricked phone is workng agian after odin repartation.
No… Shame for people downloading and flashing without knowledge of what they are doing or trying to accomplish. Hey just downloaded that gapps zip and my galaxy s3 says goggle services stopped working ….
Android Lollipop is fine. The problem is that these are the Google Apps hence name GApps. When you flash a rom, you generally want to flash the Google Apps that correspond to the version of Android you are running.
These are the Google Apps for anyone running Android 5. Not all Roms are compatible for all phones…. The screen is always flickering sometimes I cant see anything. I think flashing the rom will correct the problem. But not the download from this particular page… these are Google Apps… that will not fix your graphics issues….
XD Anyways, yeah. Finally got the error to stop? This will then allow you to fix the error by loading the correct GApps 5. Hope this helps someone and saves them some time. May you never have to go through the click gauntlet HELL that is google play services stopped working. I upgraded my Samsung Galaxy tab Your email address will not be published. Thepro says:. March 18, at am. Jim Steck says:.
April 22, at pm. August 16, at am. Gabor Ravasz says:. October 13, at am. Josh Dwight says:. December 15, at pm.
March 9, at pm. August 30, at am. April 3, at am. Igor Kto-To says:. April 7, at am. Justin White says:. April 11, at pm. Erika Raine says:. April 16, at pm. Kamran Rubab says:. April 18, at pm. Matt Carter says:. You can choose one of popular methods: 1. The most easy way is update Kitkat 4. To do this go to settings on your device and update see step-by-step Update Android From Kitkat 4. Android Marshmallow 6.
And most Android devices released in and will get it for free. The Android 4. January 7, — Motorola has announced that Android 9. The update brings all the tasty Pie feature to the device including Adaptive Brightness, Adaptive Battery, and gesture navigation. On Samsung tablets, look on the General tab in the Settings app.
Choose System Updates or Software Update. In that tap on System Updates option to check for the latest Android version. The list below are download links straight from Google hat tip to Android Police for putting these together :. Note: If there is more than one download option, that means that there is more than one build of Android KitKat available for your device, and you need to download the one that correlates.
Nexus 5 : from 4. Nexus 7 WiFi : from 4. Nexus 10 : from 4. Nexus 4 : from 4.