This is because the auto-identification is based on reading only a small number of bytes usually only bytes at the beginning of the file. This is probably most useful if you are testing files manually on the command line. To review, there are a few things to remember when using binary data: You may need to specify the record type of primary interest, e. If not doing a qc mode, the RINEX file type that corresponds to this record type is dumped to stdout, e. For most cases when doing qc mode, qc information is dumped to stdout.
You should specify the GPS week during which the binary stream starts, or you accept your computer system version of the local time from which the GPS week is computed. For most formats, you might first try leaving off the -week option, though occasionally the record containing the initial GPS week is corrupted, bogus, or missing, and depending on the situation teqc might try to use the system time for the GPS week. Additionally, some Trimble MES files have been found that contain strange years like ""!.
If doing the former, the time of the first data observation becomes the start time of the window. If doing a qc mode, stdout is used to dump a copy of the short report segment.
Also, the time binning option can be used during translation. For translation problems, etc. Special Translator Considerations and Options Section There are some translator options which are not specific to a particular native binary format. For receivers that are both L1-only and P-codeless, use both -L2 and -P. If either of these terminate in a line like: week: this is an indication that you should use the -week option to set the starting GPS week to the indicated value, e.
This informs teqc that the data has no P-codes, and it performs bit-cleaning on certains flags. Without this bit-cleaning, you are likely to only get the L2 observable. When using the newest generation of receivers e. TurboBinary TurboBinary data can include normal-rate data record 0x68 , 1-sec rate data record 0x1a , up to 50 Hz-high-rate data records 0xdb and 0xdc, plus using information in record 0x1a , and the so-called " second" format which is a mix of normal-rate data record 0x68 and 1-sec LC data record 0xde.
The default translation is to do all these record types. For TurboBinary data collected with firmware dated before about 1 Dec 92 version 2. For the U-file data mode 7, the pseudoranges are either stored with or without the smoothing corrections applied; there is no way to change this during the translation. Also, the RINEX L1 observable from teqc may be noted to vary slightly by up to 1 cm or so from the L1 observable reported by other translators.
For Ashtech download file sets, teqc may only work correctly for "Version: 3" type downloads. A bug in the some earlier firmware for the Z-XII resulted in the millisecond clock resets being applied an epoch too late. This should remove this receiver firmware artifact from the data. Wavelength factors, i. The methodology used by teqc is a simple specific subset of all of the possibilities for RINEX, but still retains all the same information. In other words, the default setting reported in the RINEX file header is always full wavelength for L1 and L2 if present , even for squaring receivers.
Specific half-wavelength observations are indicated by setting the appropriate bit-1 of the LLI flag on the L1 or L2 observations.
During translation, you have the option of excluding all half-wavelength observations. Basic Commands: A Review Section Each of these file names are processed by the script. The first line of the script forces the script to be run in a Korn shell ksh.
The first real part of the script is to merely echo the name of each. Next, each. The more obvious one will end with qc , redirected from stdout. This is the short report segment about one page in length. The other file created will end with 97S , and is the full report, including--in this case--both the short report segment just like what went to stdout and the more detailed long report segment. If you don't want any qc report file , include a -report on the command line. Notice that the GPS week has not been specified.
If this record is missing or is corrupted, then the resulting RINEX OBS file will probably have the wrong dates for the observations, leading to a poor qc report. Interface Differences: replacement of file qc. The quality check output from teqc is in two portions, the short report segment and the long report segment.
The long report segment gives a more detailed breakdown on some of these parameters either by SV or by elevation if qc full. In this plot, a visual summary of various types of quality indicators are displayed for each satellite as a function of time.
The width of the ASCII time plot is controlled by the -w[idth] option, and is normally set to 72, though it can vary from 1 to ; with a width of 72 and hours worth of observation data, each ASCII character "bin" represents exactly 20 minutes of time. Each character shown in each spot in the ASCII time plot is the most significant item of note that took place for all of the observation epochs represented by that bin, according to a well-defined symbol hierarchy.
But in this tutorial, let's take a closer look at the symbols and their hierarchy. The SV finally sets below the horizon at time 6. Any additional symbols that occur in an SV symbol track not in the above examples fall into a "not so good" category, though seeing a lot of - symbols in a qc full output is also "not good". Let's take a look in more detail at what these other indicators might be.
The first "not so good" category could generally be considered "missing data". As mentioned above, the worst missing data indicator qc full only is the - , which means that the SV was calculated using the supplied ephemeris to be above the elevation mask, but no observation data was present for this SV.
In other words, all data is missing. Following the - "all data missing" indicator are the partial missing data indicators. L2 and P2 were missing. Special Treatment of Data from Codeless Receivers You may have a data set that was collected with a "codeless" or "squaring" receiver. In this case, the absence of P-codes is ignored for statistics and the data indicators change collapse to just two possibilities from the original eight possibilities :.
You will probably see an occasional. A common type of slip is an ionospheric delay phase slip indicated by a I symbol. The other common type of slip is for one or both of the multipath code observables, MP1 and MP2. Again, these frequently occur at low elevations. Due to internal slip detection and phase observables resets, data from some receivers show virtually no ionospheric delay slips and nearly all multipath slips.
Other receivers do not reset the phase observables, and show a larger number of ionospheric delay slips than multipath slips. The last type of slip is the "n-millisecond clock slip", where the value of n is usually 1, denoted by the symbol C in the SV symbol track. If you set the tolerance to 1e milliseconds , you probably will never see any of these slips.
However, the default tolerance is 1e-2 milliseconds , and with this value the qc mode of teqc seems pretty capable of detecting these slips if they are present. What does it mean if you see the C symbol in an SV symbol track?
There are several causes, some more harmless than others. If the C symbol is preceded by an observation gap no data collected for any SVs , there may be one or more millisecond clock resets missing from the observation epoch time tags. Also, if you use teqc to splice two RINEX OBS files together and clock resets occur in the first file, a C will occur at the first epoch of the second file since the teqc splice does not modify the observation times in the second file to account for the accumulative clock resets in the first file.
In other cases, however, if the observation epochs are fairly continuous, and the C indicator is appearing two or more times in hours of data, there is a strong possibility that the receiver was not healthy. This latter possibility that the receiver was not healthy prompted the inclusion of another slip indicator, the "n-millisecond multipath slip".
It was observed that some receivers get so unhealthy that, even though n-millisecond clock slips should be occurring i. In short, the value for n was not a constant for all SVs being tracked. In this case, the m symbol is used. There is some probability roughly about 2 : inverse of millisecond tolerance that a random multipath slip will be recorded as an m instead of as a M or 1 or 2 ; so, treat the occasional m as you would any multipath slip. However, if you start to see lots of m symbols, especially if you have seen C symbols being reported in the data from the same receiver, suspect that the receiver is ailing.
The next "not so good" category is presence of data gaps. There are really two types of gaps. One is a complete observation gap for all SVs. This can be caused perhaps by the receiver being turned off and later turned back on, by a loss of all data for a period of time either internal to the receiver itself or due to a communication breakdown with the receiver. Currently, a complete observation gap is not indicated in the SV symbol tracks, except on occasion if they are present in a qc lite run.
The other type of gap is the SV data gap, where the receiver stops tracking an SV for a period of time even though it is well above the horizon or elevation mask, perhaps due to an obstruction. The exact definition of an SV data gap depends on whether teqc is running in a qc full or qc lite mode.
For qc full, an SV data gap occurs if there are one or more missing observation epochs while the SV is above the elevation mask. The meaning is really the same as the interval 23 , i.
The only other indicator for SV data, low in the symbol hierarchy , is the "Loss of Lock" indicator, L , which is used when the receiver issues a loss of lock for either the L1 or the L2 observable. A large number of L symbols may indicate an unhealthy receiver or antenna. Following the SV symbol tracks are one or four more, depending on whether you are using qc lite or qc full, respectively. For qc lite, there is a symbol line labeled "Obs".
This records the maximum number of SVs that were tracked by the receiver for each bin using a hexadecimal representation. For example, if there is a 7 on this line, then 7 SVs were tracked for at least one observation epoch represented by that time bin; if there is a b on this line, then 11 SVs were tracked for a least one observation epoch represented by that time bin; and so on.
If no SVs were tracked, a blank , rather than 0 , is shown. If one or more s are present on the "Obs" line in a qc lite run, this is your best indicator that a complete observation gap has occurred. The discrepancy count is also shown in hexadecimal notation, with ' ' blank for 0. This states the maximum number of SVs that are capable of being tracked by the receiver, and currently has a default value of By way of example, let's suppose there is a ' 1 ' on the "-dn" line; this means that every epoch in that time bin is missing at least 1 SV that could have been tracked.
A ' 2 ' on the "-dn" line means that every epoch in that time bin is missing at least 2 SVs that could have been tracked, and so on.
A ' ' blank, i. When populated with non-zero entries i. Generally, you should see an o recorded for each bin in which a position calculation was successful. This symbol was added to help reveal two things: 1 the existence of "micro-gaps", i. Since this is maximum discrepancy between the number of SVs that could have been observed and what were actually observed.
However, for missing observation epochs no SVs observed , rather than placing a count of just "SVs that could have been observed" based on the ephemerides, teqc places a count of the maximum allowed by the receiver. The separation between tick marks is indicated a few lines lower at "Time line window length". The tick marks should occur at even values of the tick interval.
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Comment by R. Comment by joe on Tue, Jul 9th, at PM. I can open v 3. I think the converToRinex. I have been having a hard time finding a current version that will run on newer laptops. Trimble documentation indicates that the latest version is v. Latest version I have been able to locate is v2. Can anyone help? When I click on it, it takes me to a web page which says "Not allowed file type. What should be done to fix the issue? Sometimes this version crashes on newer windows systems.
Security Code. Post Comment. Related Articles. Trimble Data Transfer Utility v1. How to download a Trimble receiver using the Trimble rfile program Viewed times since Thu, Jul 30,