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Reviewer: Simon Bargiora - favorite favorite favorite favorite favorite - August 14, Subject: Excellent. No complaints. The best feature of this translation is that there is no additional commentary from the translator, which is the European style of translation and they don't always have an accurate understanding of the material, or Islam itself for that matter.
They can be very misleading and the the only true reason to use footnotes is when other authors have been quoted, a citation is acceptable if the work is extant. But the typical European, orientalist method is to provide a "running commentary" of the commentary. Miniature biographies of people named can make the footnote section the dominant portion of the translation as is the case with the academic translation of a-Tabari's world history.
Text File PDF. Text File Ms Word. Semoga apa yang sobat dapatkan disini yakni text bacaan surat al Waqiah PDF full text arab, latin serta terjemahannya lengkap yang bisa sobat download dengan mudah bisa memberikan bermanfaat yang sebesar-besarnya.
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Please support us with your valuable feedback and good reviews so that we can offer you more high-quality Islamic applications. It is not forbidden to touch the letters of the Book of Fiqh or any other scripture containing verses from the Koran. When dealing with the Koran, however, it is not permitted, except in the case of washing. If a child touches the Quran during the washing, the person who is washed can turn the sheet into a piece of wood if they want to read the Quran.
According to them, reading the Koran without touching the hand and reciting from memory are permissible ablutions. Hadrat Ibrahim Nakhai and Imam Zuhri stated that impurities during sexual intercourse, menstruation, and bleeding during childbirth are disapproved of. However, Ibn Abbas took the same view in his practice of reciting parts of the Koran from memory, which is recited as his daily practice. It discusses the hereafter after Islam and the various fates that people will face in the hereafter.
Not all commentators believe that part of the chapter of the sura waqiah was revealed during the Medinan era. It is above all about life after Islam and the various fates that people in the hereafter will face.
Allah explained that fire Jahannam is a punishment for bad deeds. The word salam is used in the same sense as the English word sane. This is supported by the story of Ibn Hisham narrated by Ibn Ishaq, who is a confirmation of the belief of Hadrat Umar that Allah is pleased with him.
The story goes that when he entered the house of his sisters, the sura ta-ha was recited. Imam Muhammad al-Baqir as said that whoever recites the Sura al-Waqiah will shine on the face of the day of reckoning. At this time, the people of Mecca began to hear the invitation of Islam from the Holy Prophet Muhammad may the peace and blessings of Allah be upon him.
It is recommended to take the time to recite this sura before sleeping because the great Sunnah of our beloved Prophet Muhammad PBUH is the ultimate source of wealth. This sura is meant to protect against poverty because the Prophet said that no man in the Ummah will taste poverty if he does not recite it every night. It is forbidden to touch the cover of the Koran or the pocket or the sheet containing the Koran or tablets or any part of the Koran written for educational purposes.
However, it is permitted to touch the luggage of a person who contains Koranic inscriptions. When dealing with the Koran, it is not permitted, except in the case of washing.