Remy papoose a merry mackie holiday torrent download

NY artist Jaquae tries to mediate the situation between Bri and Bianca. Navarro introduces Anais to Rich. MariahLynn has a new man in her life but things go a little unexpected when he tries to stir some trouble with Self. S8, Ep3. James R tries to get even with MariahLynn. Dreamdoll confronts Bianca about her beef with Bri. Lil' Mo and Karl are looking for a comeback. Navarro tries to mend the rift between Anais and Ashley. S8, Ep4. Yandy gets revenge on her interfering mother-in-law.

Jaquae makes a discovery about Sophia. MariahLynn confronts James R. Jonathan and Anais try to fix their friendship. Lil Mo wants Karl to squash the internet rumors. S8, Ep5. When confronted by rumors about Yandy, Bianca goes on the attack. Safaree suffers a huge loss. Mariah and Self discuss Dreamdoll. Rich and Anais have a rendezvous. Karl takes a lie detector test for Lil Mo. S8, Ep6. Remy Ma invites Lil Mo to her store opening but an uninvited guest pops up.

Yandy and Bianca put their professional relationship on the line. Rich debates telling Navarro about his relationship with Anais. James R surprises Sophia with a gift. S8, Ep7. Remy takes issue with Papoose's search for a fertility doctor. Rich and Anais slip up in front of Navarro. After his uncle's death, Safaree gets back to work. Sophia turns to James R for help with an emergency.

Ashley and Ayisha have a sisterly spat. S8, Ep8. Remy Ma and Papoose take another step to having a baby. Jonathan becomes suspicious of Trent's fidelity. Mariahlynn reveals new body parts. Sophia and James R grow closer but his video release party gets heated when Jaquae, Self, and Snoop show up. S8, Ep9. Yandy and Remy pop up on Juju and find out why she's been avoiding them. Jonathan confronts Trent and pulls out a surprise of his own.

Ashley accuses Navarro of cheating and then drops a bomb. Things turn ugly when MariahLynn and Dreamdoll meet up. S8, Ep Rich helps manage a meet-and-greet for Anais. Safaree demands to know where he stands with Dream after her misleading social media posts.

Bri confronts MariahLynn for flirting with Dreamdoll's man. Safaree talks to Juju about her breakup. Ruben confronts Navarro about Anais's affair with Rich. Bianca introduces Jaquae to her friend Kiyanne. Safaree takes Juju to a club. Still, with only a mere 72 hours to get ready for their grand X-mas party, the duo is anticipating a whole lot of chaos to ensue. The blended Mackie family was in high spirits and the usually stern New Yorkers were working on their southern hospitality all week long.

We are a little more cautious with [filming]. As opposed to when it is your situation. But, this crew [that we filmed the holiday special with] I liked them a lot, too. It is a good experience from both sides. I kind of disagree with my wife a little bit. Papoose: Nah! I think they did a pretty good job at projecting what we share, and so does our holiday special. Remy: You are so annoying. He is nuts! That is not even a valid answer. Papoose: They captured me proposing, and the actual wedding!

Papoose: Right! That is a hell of a challenge, to try and top that. But, until then…. Remy: It is difficult because everybody has their boundaries.

It [will be] different when we have our own child together. We try our best to be [great] parents to all of our children… [and treat them] the same way.

But, we still have to have that little inkling in the back of our minds, to be thoughtful. There are other parents that we have to respect. And, then the kids! The family is something that we are passionate about. But, I can definitely see how people have issues with it. It is hard being a parent to a biological [child], it is double the challenge being a stepparent. Papoose: Yeah, it takes a lot of discipline. I gotta commend my wife, and myself, also.

Because, you have a lot of people who run away from the challenge. They are not parents to their children, and to take it a step further and, actually, be a stepparent? Forget about it! I feel like each era of parents had different challenges to face. And, when we were growing up, our parents had different [circumstances]. So, now, we are raising children in this era, and Goddamn!

I do not want people to think for a second, that it is easy. We are making it work. Remy: No, I am still a strong believer in beating kids ass. Papoose: Let me tell you this! I probably gotta stop doing this. Even if I know, something needs to be done, I will always call her first to get her consent. I would never take the matter into my own hands without getting the green light. I think that needs to be done. To keep it fair. Remy: But, I am definitely the queen of punishment! You want to talk crazy to me?

Talk crazy without a phone. I keep everything together when it tries to fall apart. Papoose: We could have ended up in a lot of places. Like, the Bermuda Triangle. Remy: We looked at houses in separate places. We visited Connecticut, Virginia, Florida… we even did California.

Remy: Stop it! When we started taking expanding our family seriously, and knew that we were going to do In Vitro [Fertilization], we selected North Carolina. I feel [supported] in this location. My mom is there. Also, my grandmother, my sisters, my brother, my aunt, like, almost my whole family lives there. I just want to be around them. When I am there, I am at peace. There is no type of hustle and bustle.

When we first got down there, he did not really like it. Now, we chill in the house. We [play] on our Ms. Pac-Man game. Remy: He sees it is not that far. It is about an hour on a plane [from New York]. So, family or friends, can come down and visit us.

Also, Fat Joe helped me convince him. You know, Joe is New York to the core. You would never notice that because he is always here. The transition is super smooth.

It was just a change. We had children, we raised them all in NYC. I wanted to try something different. My lovely husband, after some forceful convincing, obliged.

By the way, I bought a house. We are moving. Papoose: Everybody says hello to each other. For real! It took a while to get used to that. Honestly, I gotta say, there is no place like home. Sometimes you might just turn the corner. In New York, you might see a stray dog or something. Down there you see a bunch of deers. Remy: No one is talking about your city.

We bigged up somewhere else. It is city life. Papoose: [For example,] to catch a flight. She will go at the last minute and stress out that poor driver. If he does not have the Waze [app], she will take his phone and download the app.

Remy: First of all, I am very sufficient. Papoose: She loves to do things at the last minute. His last minute-ness is horrible. Remy: Excuse me! What happens is, I have not gotten more than 3 to 5 hours of sleep in the past 5 days. She performs well under those circumstances and does that all the time. So, when something cancels, before anyone can get any bright ideas, and fill it back in with something else. No one has been to the new house yet.

It is not like we are just some random-shamandoms. They were going to come. Do you want to come to my house this weekend? Unfortunately, we are the favorites. I work well with small-time constraints, and it always turns out fine. I did the same thing with my wedding. I literally planned my wedding in 5 weeks. Remy: As much as I do it, I still have this little guy named Papoose, sitting on my shoulder!

It was amazing. Can you describe your experience co-executive producing alongside Mona Young-Scott? I said it. Papoose: We are humbled. We are happy to have the privilege of working beside someone as great as Mona Scott-Young.

She is a genius. We had this conversation, [Papoose]. Remy: Mona is like our marriage counselor. Papoose: That is not true. VIBE:With that blended dynamic to your relationship, do you feel that helps…. Remy: It definitely does! With her, I feel like, and other key people that are apart of the company, they admire and respect what we have.

They go above and beyond to protect our brand. Remy: They protect our relationship. All jokes aside, I respect her. I have a different love for her because she respects what we do. Remy: The thing is this, with in-laws, you hear certain [quotes]. In most marriages, the wife has issues with people in the family. And, my husband is the family favorite! He is the favorite uncle. He is the favorite brother. He is the favorite son and favorite everything. So, when I come and just whisk him away, and now he is mine… by law, under the eyes of the Lord, and he belongs to me, people feel some kind of way about that.

So, it becomes like a little territorial thing. It is not purposely. But, according to this ring, he is my husband. And, as long as we all know that, everything is fine. I do not despise, or hate anybody. It pretty much is the same, vice-versa [for the family]. They like him more than they like me. Remy: Oh, absolutely! He knows he is going to get the red carpet rolled out over there. My mother is going to turn into Susie Homemaker, Betty Crocker, and any other lady that you can think of, that will make sure he is good.

Where as, I do not get that red carpet treatment on the other side.


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