I had this FW on my PC in my download directory. It named "StudioLive 32SC 2. The newest one should exist in this directory too. So be careful. Presonus Support also answered me " We have no other reports of this issue The newest Universal Control seems to work. You need ignore the "update firmware" message! I looked only on main page an wouldn't find the older one. In my account i get access to the older one. Got it There is no proof that there is an issue.
I think the issue is bad UC install. A factory reset of the SC32 does not change anything. PAE Seth wrote There is no proof that there is an issue. Probably it doesn't work for you. Unfortunately, there is nowhere a real reason or explanation for problems some users see.
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Fieldwork in Religion The journal publishes articles, review essays and book reviews relevant to the theoretical engagement with and practical undertaking of fieldwork in religion.
Gender and Language Gender and Language offers an international forum for language-based research on gender and sexuality from feminist, queer, trans and nonbinary perspectives. The journal showcases research on the social analytics of gender in discourse domains that include institutions, media, politics and everyday interaction.
Health and Social Care Chaplaincy Health and Social Care Chaplaincy is a multidisciplinary forum for the discussion of a range of issues related to the delivery of pastoral and spiritual care across various settings: acute, paediatric, mental health, palliative care and community.
Implicit Religion This international journal offers a platform for scholarship that challenges the traditional boundary between religion and non-religion and the tacit assumptions underlying this distinction. Instructed Second Language Acquisition Instructed Second Language Acquisition, is a forum for reporting and for critical discussion of language research and practice across a wide range of languages and international contexts.
Post a reply. Hello, just got my new serieslive 32 board the other day. And it seems to be locked in a 48 sample rate. UC will not change it, just shows it grayed out.
Also in studio one, I get an error saying project is not set to 48 sample rate and the device is. When I change the song sample rate to Just seems to be locked on it. So now when I export the song, the file looses it's integrity and will not line up to video that was recording at the same time for editing in other programs.
Please help tried resetting, restarting, upluging. Nothing seems to get it to work right. Thx, Andrew. The mixers were locked at So why would would song loose it's timing, if I change both to 48 then mixdown the file it litterly becomes about 6 seconds shorter than the song in song vegas. Which was recorded the same time. Is there a fix for this. I put the video project to 48 also doesnt help.
Both camers that videoed the take line up but the mixdown from studio one 3 does not. That I am not sure of. I have had no issue changing the sample rate on existing songs, but I am not trying to sync to video. Was there midi timecode syncing video and audio, and that was maybe affected? Can you try to export stems from the existing S1 song as Should I stored the first time, they've even turned it. Is there some other presonus drivers that I need? Presonus StudioLive Although there are ASIO drivers and some of our class compliant devices may work on the Linux platform, our software is specifically developed for the the Mac OSX and Windows platforms.
Add New Hardware. If anyone else is a particular PreSonus StudioLive Help you need a Mixer featuring The latest version of PreSonus StudioLive is currently unknown. You ll never go back to main output of new console.
Full Dynamics Processing, and the flagship StudioLive I have universal control version 3. Easy store and insert points, and recording. Presonus studiolive AI mixer driver not installed when connect to laptop.