Health sciences are indispensable to the well-being of modern societies. Health is a subject and a fundamental right in life, it is also an intangible value and an ideal state to which all human beings aspire.
Taking into account its relevance, we have created a collection of medical books , because we know that it is a research topic demanded by many readers in our community who, above all, put their preparation in first place. The study of medicine is a long road where the apprentices need to make a theoretical and technical approach to all the principles and laws that govern this discipline.
In addition, research and updating are an essential part of the training of a health professional. With our medical books you can meet the requirement of starting your research activities. Medicine has accompanied humanity since prehistoric times. Human beings have always wanted to intervene and discover the origin and functioning of both our existence and our body. This has always been an object of study. In ancient times, the healing power of plants was used to heal ailments of various kinds.
It can be said that those who practiced medicine were witches, shamans, healers, fortune tellers and spiritualists. With the passing of time, the knowledge in the field of medicine became more sophisticated, thanks to the advance of science many discoveries were made that led it take steps towards what we now know as Western medicine. A representative figure in Ancient Greece was Hippocrates, who is considered the father of medicine. Medicine can be defined as the science or discipline that investigates and provides diagnosis, cure and treatment for diseases of the body.
Nowadays, it also has its focus on prevention and can be said that it is a science of physical healing. It has many specialties, whose divisions come from the specific organ they deal with. Thus, for example, we have: ophthalmology a specialty that treats the eye , cardiology a specialty that treats the heart and blood circulation , traumatology deals with traumas that occur in the spine and extremities, affecting bones, joints, muscles, among others.
Many official organizations and governments are ensuring that this goal is increasingly achievable. Our collection of medical books in PDF format covers a wide range of specialties, as well as other health sciences such as nursing and dentistry.
All titles are in the public domain and distributed free of charge. You can access each one of them in the section corresponding to the area or specialty you choose and download them to your electronic devices without any inconvenience. Here you will be able to obtain essential information very useful for your studies and research.
Anatomy is a science that studies the structure of living organisms, in other words, the arrangement of their bones and organs and the relationship between them. Also, anatomy is the name given to the structure of living organisms. This term is widely used in sciences such as medicine and biology. Anatomy, therefore, studies the characteristics, location and interrelations of organs that are part of a living organism. This discipline is in charge of developing a descriptive analysis of living organisms.
According to its approach, it is possible to divide anatomy into clinical or applied anatomy, descriptive or systemic anatomy, regional or topographic anatomy, functional anatomy, or anatomical pathology, among others. It is a medical specialty, not a surgical one. The specialist in the surgical approach of the heart is the cardiothoracic surgeon.
When one is faced with a complex disease such as heart disease, it is important to find the most appropriate specialist. A diagnosis of heart or vascular disease often begins with the primary care physician, who refers the patient to a cardiologist. The cardiologist evaluates the symptoms and medical history and may recommend studies that can help make a more accurate diagnosis. It is important to note that the field of cardiology is complex, so it is common for cardiologists to choose one of several subspecialties to focus their careers on.
Dentistry is the medical specialty dedicated to the study of the teeth and gums and the treatment of their ailments. This discipline deals with everything related to the stomatognathic system, which is made up of the group of organs and tissues found in the oral cavity and part of the skull, face and neck. The origin of dentistry goes back thousands of years.
The first documented dental practice took place in Egypt more than 5, years ago. Closer in time, barbers were responsible for extracting teeth until dentistry became institutionalized. Some of the most common conditions of dental patients are cavities, malocclusion, periodontal diseases and dental trauma, among others. Dermatology is a specialty of medicine that deals with the knowledge and study of human skin and the diseases that affect it.
This specialty is also concerned with the prevention of diseases and the preservation or recovery of skin normality as well as with dermocosmetics which is dedicated to the hygiene, appearance and protection of the skin. An expert in dermatology is able to study the structure of the skin, analyze its functioning and prevent, diagnose and treat the disorders that may occur in it. Although education varies in each country, generally a dermatologist is a physician who later specialized in dermatology.
This allows the professional to have knowledge of endocrinology, neurology and other issues that are necessary to know the skin in depth. General medicine is the first level of medical care whose objective is to prevent, detect and treat common diseases, as well as to refer to the appropriate specialist, if necessary. Any person, adult or child, man or woman, can visit a general practitioner.
People see a general practitioner when they are unclear about the source of their pain or discomfort, or when they are facing symptoms that are not serious, but require medical evaluation and medication to treat them such as the common cold, abdominal pain or minor bumps.
They may also see a general practitioner for a preventive checkup, including medical evaluation and orders for tests.
If you want to get into the world of medicine , we invite you to visit our selection of books on general medicine that will be of great help for your start in this exciting field of study. Gynecology is the specialty of medicine dedicated to the care of the female reproductive system.
Gynecologists, therefore, are the specialists who deal with issues related to the female sexual reproductive organs vulva, vagina, uterus and ovaries. The Greek doctor Soranus , from the Methodist school, is considered the author of the first treatise on gynecology. The advance of medicine has associated gynecology with obstetrics, which deals with pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium. Fuente: Academia. Fuente: Johns Hopkins Medicine.
Fuente: Longdom Publishing SL. If you found this list useful, do not forget to share it on your social networks. Do you want more Medical books in PDF format? Here we present our complete selection of Internal Medicine books:.
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