Created with yEd. Local File Inclusion is it if you could change that file to another file that then will be loaded not intended by the application. Remote File Inclusion is it if you could change the value to an url which then would be loaded as file into the server.
See Answer. This indicates a local-file-inclusion vulnerability. Search another html file of the application and try to insert it at the value position. Every of the paths shown in the figure as well as the different severity types will be demonstrated in a executable demo hereafter so that you can directly reproduce the vulnerabilities to learn from it. If LFI is possible, the attacker can read files from the server. This affects files within the current directory or even across directories.
The attacker has just to include the malicious code into the url and the payload will be executed onto the victim machine. The understand all the Linux network you need additionally a Kali VM for creating payloads using Metasploit. At the beginning of the logs you can see which IPs are used inside your local network and which IPs inside the docker network:. Here we have 2 vulnerable query parameters: language and page. I will handle both parameters, in the next section first with language :.
The application allows the upload of files. Furthermore if you upload a file you can see where the file is stored:. Everytime you switch you can see that the language is set in the url:. This creates a Bind Shell - it opens a possible connection where you can connect to as attacker.
Add a comment. Active Oldest Votes. Improve this answer. Sign up or log in Sign up using Google. Sign up using Facebook. Sign up using Email and Password. Post as a guest Name. Email Required, but never shown. We can insert the content of one PHP file into another PHP file before the server executes it, with the include function. The function can be used to create functions, headers, footers or element that will be reused on multiple pages.
This will help the developers to make it easy to change the layout of a complete website with minimal effort i. The code within the included file footer. As soon as the fifth line executes in the test. Whereas in the next line, we have used the include function to include the var. Similar to the include function, the require statement is also used to include a file into the PHP code.
However, there is a one big difference between include and require functions. When a file is included with the include statement and PHP cannot find it or load it properly, thus the include function generates a warning but the script will continue to execute:.
Now if we try to run the same code using the require function, the echo statement will not be executed because the script execution dies as soon as the require statement return a fatal error:. It works in a similar way as the require function do.
Local file inclusion is the vulnerability in which an attacker tries to trick the web-application by including the files that are already present locally into the server.
This vulnerability occurs, when a page receives, as input, the path to the file that has to be included and this input is not properly sanitized, allowing directory traversal characters such as dot-dot-slash to be injected.
In this case the attacker would use LFI to execute the unwanted file. To compound matters, an attacker can upload a file to the server to gain the ability to execute commands remotely, resulting in the attacker being able to control the whole server remotely.
In order for an interpreter to find these files you need to designate the correct file path and then pass it to a function. The function then opens the file in question and includes it inside the document for the parser to be able to see it as valid code that can be interpreted. As you can see, the contact. Passwords, username information, the attacker can see the content of everything depending on what they are looking for.
The parser then interprets this code as an instruction that can exploit an LFI vulnerability. A developer sometimes wants to share the output of a file across multiple web pages. A header. To keep things quick, a dev wants the change of this file to be seen on all pages where it was included immediately. This file, while standardly plain HTML, can also be used to display ordinary text files:.
This way the content of the text file gets printed straight to the page. A hacker will exploit this and alter the link if no filter stops them. A file that includes all the credentials of any user that can access a restricted area of that webserver. Naturally, this information falling into the hands of a hacker is a terrible thing for a company and is a severe security threat. Lastly, we have types of files that all web browsers automatically open. A PDF, for example. Users can configure this so the files get downloaded instead of shown in the browser window.
An example would look something like this:. This way the hacker has the option of requesting the download of the base files the building blocks of the web app. Another way to deal with this problem is just to add a question mark to your attack-string. This way the stuff after gets interpreted as a parameter and therefore excluded. Here is an example:. So if you have an LFI you can easily read. That is because they get executed by the webserver, since their file-ending says that it contains code.
This can be bypassed by using a build-in php-filter. Here you use a php-filter to convert it all into base So in return you get the whole page base64 encoded. Now you only need to decode it.