Joomla articles can be popped inside a fancybox when a text or an image is clicked. The plugin syntax can be added into a article, custom HTML or any other extension. Camera Slideshow By Infyways Solutions. Camera Slideshow is an awesome Responsive image Slideshow with 30 animations, 32 skin types, 34 easing effects and 25 Google default fonts. It works perfectly in on desktop, ipad, iphone and all mobile devices. You can either choose single or multiple categories to fetch the article titles.
This mode only supports text Website Disclaimer popup is a simple and easy to use creative extension which can also be used by websites to display a custom welcome message. If the user agrees to the disclaimer can only get into the website else upon disagree, will be redirected to another page.
Easy to use Social Bookmarking Plugin for Joomla. This social bookmark Plugin can be shown in the top or bottom of an article Easy Popup By Infyways Solutions. Easy Popup is a responsive joomla system plugin which can be used anywhere in a website. By using this extension you can popup text contents, images, iframes and videos. The plugin syntax can be added any number of times in you website.
The popup can open only on clicking a text or an image. Image tooltip is an image preview Joomla Module and plugin. It is a very simple tooltip and easy to implement. The Image tooltip can be used at any of the module positions on your website. This image tooltip uses simple jquery to pop images on mouse hover. The module fetches title of the article of the selected Joomla category no K2 Supported.
The titles of the articles will automatically linked to the corresponding articles pages. Option to define the ticker characters Label Color, Back Vertical Animated ticker is a easy to use module that pulls articles from selected categories K2 not supported and displays them in a vertical ticker.
Woomark gallery is awesome image gallery which lays out a series of images thumb images in a dynamic column grid. The thumb images when clicked will open in a beautiful fancybox. Sticky Notification By Infyways Solutions.
It uses joomla jquery framework. Features The extension supports multiple instances of popup notification on a single page. The module can be set OnPage Email Form is a easy to setup responsive module that loads when a user visits the website. The forms asks the email id of the visitor.
The website can't be browsed till the visitor enters a valid email address. The email address along with the IP Address of the visitor will be mailed to the email which has been set in the module parameters. The popup opens once per user and the number of da Easy Responsive Tabs is a joomla system plugin that can be used inside any components or module by simply mentioning the syntax.
You have option to choose a style from the list of 24 predefined styles to match your website layout. You can set the colors of the alert bar and buttons color according to your template theme. The extension pack contains a component and two modules. Out of the two modules, one is Responsive Testimonials Pro Showcase which can be used to showcase the testimonials in any of the Joomla module positions.
The other module is Responsive Testimonials Pro Form which can be publish in the module positions to display the testimonial form to collect testimonials. The extension is responsive and su Responsive Facebook Comments is available in 2 different versions. A Content Plugin and a System Plugin.
The Content Plugin can appear automatically at the bottom of the Joomla Article when enabled and the System Plugin has a syntax that can be added anywhere inside any module or component so that the Facebook comment box can appear at the particular place where the syntax is defined. This Image slideshow module can be used on your home page of the website to showcase products, services and works of your organization or company.
The Fancy Transition Image slideshow is compatible with 3. It is one of the best Image slideshow module which adds elegance to your websi Header Notification bar is a simple yet powerful responsive module that can be used for notifications, promo, event or anything related on the top or bottom of a website on page load or page scroll.
It is easy to configure. The text color can be changed and the message can have links and images. Responsive Image gallery is a easy to use image gallery that can be used to showcase images. The gallery is fully responsive and works perfect in all browsers and mobile devices. Backstretch By Infyways Solutions. Backstretch is a simple responsive jQuery extension for joomla that allows you to add dynamically resized background image body to your website.
The extension pack contains modules and plugins for all versions of joomla. An array of background images can be aassigned at the backend which fades automatically with respect to defined time.
Easy Store Locator is an easy to use responsive Joomla module that can be to mark multiple locations on Google Maps. This module is preferred for the companies or store which has businesses on multiple locations. The exact latitude and longitude for the place has to be defined to mark it on Google maps.
The map supports more than 40 different languages. Easy Tooltip By Infyways Solutions. The module is very easy to use and is flexible with easy to understand module parameters. Sticky footer that always stays at the bottom of the web page, no matter how much you minimize your browser vertically, it will always stay at the bottom of the page.
Content Pager By Infyways Solutions. JUX Horizontal slider is a module by the JoomlaUX team that is used to display images in accordion style which can present your gallery with title, caption, and description Works great on any screen JUX Horizontal accordion slider is fully responsive and flexible. You can play the slider on different devices like mobile, tablet, smartphone, and any browser.
Visually appealing with beautiful ef Layer Slideshow By JoomUnited. Layer Slideshow provides a unique experience to create slideshow with multiple layers like a pro designer. Layer Slideshow is expandable. The extension is already build with 5 designed themes that include up to 5 layers each. Each theme can be applied in one click on each slide. Layer Slideshow will enhance your creativity. Becomes a real artist and build your layout without any design knowledge It is easy to get started with but offers a number of customization options for more advanced users.
Having a showplus slideshow on a page in Code 7 Responsive Slider By Code 7. Caption can contain HTML. Link slides. Variety of the flexslider options Check our basic features listed below Responsive Lightbox Slider By Contona. Slides images and on click open in Lightbox. Show logos or client lists or images in a slider with great effects. Clicking on images, images open in a beautiful lightbox Vertical scrolling images By Gopi Ramasamy.
Vertical scrolling images Joomla module will create the vertical scroll slideshow on the website. This will create a slideshow-like reel. The images will scroll like reels from bottom to top. This Joomla module will create the vertical scroll image slideshow on your website.
This slideshow scrolls the images like reel. Images will scroll like reel from bottom to top gradually. This is a simple Ja Hot Image Slider is a configurable, simple and responsive image rotator, based on jQuery. In module parameters, you have control over module display.
The search box also has control to navigate next and previous search results. The search results can be h Display your offer message in your Joomla page This is Simple plugins that allows you to display your offer message box inside page at any plugins position.
With this message box users can show any types of offer or important message for a particular time. This message box is fully dynamic and user can highlighted respect of his requierment.
Display Offer Message Put your offer message and sho Responsive Stacked Article Slider - with AutoPlay Function Showing your articles in a Gallery view is a smart move as it increases the chance of visitor interaction and increase more time on site. You can customize it easily from the back end. Just install the modu Social is Beautiful.
Showcase your Pricing Plans with core features easily and dynamically This module is specially developed for those who want to showcase their products or service offers while listing core features associated with each pricing plan and subscription period.
It has very easy and dynamic back end t Keep your visitors on your site while giving them all important updates from your FB Group. You can customize it easily Showcase your Pricing Plans with core features easily and dynamically This plugin is specially developed for those who want to showcase their products or service offers while listing core features associated with each pricing plan and subscription period.
You can customize it easily from the back end for virtually every aspect. It comes with a Call to Action button to encourage event participation etc.
Just install the module, select modul Increase LIKE of Your Facebook Official Page A system plugin to show a big Facebook Like inspired graphics with like or share option to the users for a specific time limitation while visiting websites. User can press the like button and proceed to the next or the likebox will automatically vanish after a specific time set by admin.
Video can be displayed flying out or sliding by Scrolling down the joomla pages. Joomla Article Sliding Gallery - Responsive and AutoPlay Showing your articles in a Gallery view is a smart move as it increases the chance of visitor interaction and increase more time on site.
Just install the module Our product supports both version of Joomla. Ideal to attract visitors to profile. This plugin will display next previous article heading in after content of the web browser. In the back end you can change Menus where Look no further. Display Search Box in a Focused and Full Screen Mode How to place a full screen live search button that can be placed on any module position on your Joomla site and will return search results from site content?
You can easily show video in any page using the simple shortcode. Just install the plugin and configure it with Vine video ID. You can show custom title, description and other supporting buttons. Decorate The Page Background with Any Video of your Joomla Site A nice module for Joomla that enables you to set individual background video of individual pages of same site. This single module can let you change the background video of a single page. It can be published on sidebar or any module position.
This Module supports both Comcontent an Want to catch attention to your visitors with Flyout? With Module Position Flyout you can place any module and trigger at scrolling to grab visitor's attention. With our Module Positoin Flyout Box you can achieve just that with style. Responsive Stacked Article Slider Pro - Responsive and AutoPlay Stacked Article Slider Pro can help you showing your articles in a Gallery view is a smart move as it increases the chance of visitor interaction and increase more time on site.
You can customize it ea Our "News Ticker Headlines" module will make your work easy and simple..