Il-2 download for pc

If you come across it, the password is: online-fix. Related By Tags Games: Livelock. Beatbuddy: Tale of the Guardia. Arsenal Demon.

Heroes 5 Online. Immortal Darkness: Curse of Th. You see, despite the arrogance of some developers, the flight sim community has overdosed with Pearl Harbor reruns, or American Bombers over Europe. Microsoft's Combat Flight Sim II utterly failed to impress, as there was nothing we hadn't all seen before. IL-2 Sturmovik is completely different. The Eastern Front was a very different sort of air war to the one in the West. The vast bulk of operations were in support of the land war, and as such the evolution of aircraft were very different.

The IL-2 Sturmovik was a ground attack aircraft, which was the terror of the Wermacht. Heavily armed, it could knock out almost any German tank or make mincemeat of infantry formations.

And the game recreates this in minute detail. Trains, tanks, depots But don't expect the targets to rollover without a fight. Enemy fighters, antiaircraft and small arms fire are all there to make life as tough as possible. But the game isn't all eye candy. The physics are as accurate as you want them to be so you can start off with easy flight models, then slowly work up to the big league. If that isn't enough, there are 18 different aircraft to fly although Maddox hopes to have more in place before release in November.

As far as flight sims go, this is the closest you'll get to the real thing. What more can you wish for? These days we can always reload a mission if we fail to complete it.

But during WWII, pilots didn't have that luxury While life as a pilot may have seemed glamorous from the outside, for the guys in the air, life varied from boredom to stark terror. The words of a JU88 pilot on a bombing mission gives some insight into what life was like. IWo of our crew were out of action, and two young recruits no more than years-old, took their place.

As we were going to the target, I saw a fighter pass above the gun turret Before I could react the plane shuddered and a wall of flame swept through the aircraft. One of the bullets must have hit the incendiary bombs, and all I could hear was our captain shouting 'Emergency! So I did the one thing we are instructed not to do, bail from the turret The reason is the slipstream is so great you can have your legs cut off leaving the tunet.

I knew I had no choice, so I prayed 'Oh Lord, please help me' and rolled into a ball, stuck my head out of the tun-et and was sucked out. Once I was clear, I pulled the ripcord and the silk opened out I looked down and all I was missing were my boots.

I was very badly burnt and I never flew again, however hard I tried to persuade the medics. It broke my heart to see my comrades take off for attacks near Berlin, and quite a few not returning. So next time you play a realistic sim, remember how lucky you are that there's no chance of having your legs ripped off or your skin burnt, and that you're actually having fun each time you take off rather than crapping your pants with fear at the thought of being blown out of the sky.

With 17 aircraft for you to fly in place for the initial release, and another 14 more pencilled in to be drip-fed hopefully once the game comes out, this should encompass virtually every fighter and most bombers used by the main protagonists. Produced by flight-sim genius Oleg Maddox, it's the cutting edge for a 'new breed' of propeller dog fighting games, which until now have been sitting in graphical limbo since Well, the flight sim community also has its own deity: Russian-born Oleg Maddox, and he has come up with a wonder for the great unwashed.

Its main purpose was as a 'tank buster' and it proved capable of destroying the heaviest-armoured German tanks, including the much-feared Tigers. Around 40, of the aircraft were built, making it the most-produced aircraft in history. It certainly made a big difference to the battles on the Eastern Front, yet until now, this remarkable plane has been largely ignored by most flight sim developers.

Certainly in other sims, the flight models of some US aircraft are, one could say, generous. But we digress So what Oleg has done is focus entirely on the Eastern Front air war. And 'focus' is the key word here as the graphics, gameplay and flight models are done to such detail as to make any self-respecting propeller-head kiss the sky and thank God he's alive. Quite sad really. It's as if Oleg has gone through everyone's wish-list for a flight sim, and made 99 per cent of 'em possible.

You want smoke coming out of the engines when you start? Con trails from the wings when you pull a hard turn? Full cloud effects, so you can hide if the going gets tough? Internet play that supports more than 32 aircraft? No problemo. Considering the game has already been in development for nearly two years, it's a good indication as to the level of detail they're aiming at.

They've even added supply trains so you can strafe and gloat in satisfaction when the engine explodes. There are another 21 non-flyable planes, whose aim will be to turn your plane into Swiss cheese, and from what we've seen of the early AI, they do a rather thorough job too. And every type of each aircraft is modelled differently, although you'll probably discover this the hard way. So what more can we say about IL-2 Sturmovik?

Unique and detailed damage model lets you use the pros and cons of various aircraft and tanks to your advantage. Adjust the tank aiming sights for distance and view the tank interior just as a plane cockpit!

Single-Player Career scenario follows the real chronology of the battle starting with Germans crossing the Don river and starting their advance to the Volga on August 23rd, and continues to the complete liberation of the city on February 2nd, Learn about the real events of the war from the newspaper delivered weekly to your squadron. The legendary aircraft of the era have been thoroughly re-created using original drawings and blueprints from the Central Archive of the Russian Ministry of Defence.

Precise simulation of the flight model allows everyone to learn the special character and limits of each and every plane in the game. Use each of their special abilities and performance characteristics to complete your mission and survive the brutal fight. Be promoted to higher ranks and receive historical medals and other awards. Recommended: Requires a bit processor and operating system. All rights reserved. See all. Customer reviews. Overall Reviews:.

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The site is non-commercial and we are not able to check all user posts. IL-2 Sturmovik: screenshots:. Size: If you come across it, the password is: online-fix. X-Men Legends 2: Rise of Apoca. Metro last light.


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