Download torrent. The site administration is not responsible for the content of the materials on the resource. If you are the copyright holder and want to completely or partially remove your material from our site, then write to the administration with links to the relevant documents. Your property was freely available and that is why it was published on our website. The site is non-commercial and we are not able to check all user posts. Version: Full Last Release Everyone remembers the story about the kid who has been watching a strange neighbor who is involved in kidnapping for several years in a row?
Hello Neighbor: Hide and Seek screenshots:. Size: If you come across it, the password is: online-fix. If the player is caught or suffers a serious injury , they will be sent back to their own house and will have to break in again. Upon starting again, the player must be more careful, as the neighbor will deduce movements from the last attempt to set up traps.
However, he is still to be avoided at all cost. The game is played in a first-person perspective, and the player must aim a reticle at certain objects to interact with them or to throw or use a currently held item for example, throwing a ball at a window or aiming a crowbar at nails to remove them. Up to four items can be kept in an inventory space.
Items of the same kind cannot be stacked together in one slot. Secret Neighbor. Since his first appearance. Delivered by FeedBurner. Telephone Your telephone number is opetional. Search for:. Download Here Help Center. Play with good stereo. Share this post Digg Tweet Stumbleupon delicious reddit Facebook.
Related Posts. Final Release. V Initial Release. Recent Posts. Recent Comments. Peterson, our neighbor, became a widow his wife dies in uncleared circumstances.
He and his kids don't seem to be coping well with their loss leading to the main plot of this video game. The gameplay is very similar, having to control Mya, a little girl that has to hide from her brother that seems to have some strange impulses towards her. Therefore, our mission will be to find hideouts to keep the little girl safe, having to solve different puzzles for such purpose.
Peterson to what he is. Find out what happened to your neighbor Vote 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9