Download ps3 save files corrupted

But all games got stuck at loading trophies screens, so I immediately understood I had to remove the Trophies, thus losing all trophies but I dont care about them so it doesnt matter. But as it turns out, Trophies is also considered Game Data. So if anyone else gets this problem just delete trophies. And they even synchronizing with SEN. Sometimes games breaking trophy index during updating existing global index or sometimes local index. For some reason, in unknown circumstances It is wise to making backups if those are important data for You.

Berion , Jan 5, I never heard of that before. Your PS3 will run a check for and correct corrupted data automatically if it shuts down improperly and is restarted. You can, however, initiate a correction cycle yourself using the PS3's Safe Mode, a diagnostic mode designed to correct issues that can't be addressed from within the system menu. Press and hold the power button again for about 10 seconds, at which point you'll hear a series of three beeps. After the third beep, let go of the button and then repeat the process; this time the third beep will be a double beep, at which point releasing the button will start up the PS3 in Safe Mode.

The "Restore File System" option in the Safe Mode menu is the tool for scanning and repairing corrupted data. This option scans all areas of the drive not allocated for firmware storage.

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