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Password forgotten? Click here. Advanced Search. From AAW Games. Average Rating 5 ratings. The Underworld Awaits! Don't be content with just encountering the wonders below—be one of them!
Customers Who Bought this Title also Purchased. Reviews 1. Inside, you'll find these and more! More than a dozen standalone, single-map adventures for characters of levels 3 to 14 will challenge players with derro and darakhul encounters, fantastical locations like the Skullcap Forest and an outpost of the Ghoul Imperium, and powerful opposition like a clan of cave giants known as the Sunseeker tribe.
Use these as a stop along your campaign or in a single, standalone session. Whether a party of heroes or characters of flexible moral fiber, they will enjoy the struggle and triumph of these Underworld Lairs. That is, unless the cave dragon adds them to the foundation of his ziggurat of bones! For the 5th Edition of the world's first roleplaying game. In this companion volume to the Southlands Worldbook for 5E, players will find two adventures set in this continent's storied City of Cats, where a mercurial feline goddess walks among her chosen people.
Included in this volume are fan-favorite adventures Cat and Mouse and Grimalkin, both by celebrated author Richard Pett and fully compatible with the 5th Edition of the world's oldest roleplaying game. Catacombs beneath the urban abodes may have answers, but what lurks in them may not enjoy company Rumors swirl of an unholy marriage between blood thirsty factions. As haunting dreams and prophetic utterances swell, the danger becomes clear. Such a union would be catastrophic Who will uncover and stop these foul and ghoulish workings?
Will your adventurers have the fortitude and ambition--or the greed and cunning--it takes to put a stop to them? Empire of the Ghouls is a complete adventure for characters level for the 5th edition of the world's first RPG. You'll also find a gazetteer detailing the Ghoul Imperium in the depths of the Underworld--complete with map! Sharpen your blade and conjure magical light, and root out the foulness below the earth! Unbeknownst to her, half of the souls have been funneled to the greedy clutches of the alien Vidre and sacrifices have become harder and harder to come by.
Not one to be dictated what to do, the matron managed to sever the binding ties and arcane entwinements of the pact between her and the Vidre via the help of Naraneus the Spider Goddess for the promise of a conquest of the worlds above - the goddess has spoken and so it shall be done.
The Vidre, meanwhile, prepare for war - their thirst for souls must be slaked. This book is hardbound, over pages and is presented in full color on premium paper. The World Below Beckons! Within, you will unearth the secrets of the drow and their machinations, including their deadly arachnid martial artists.
Add a copy to your collection Record information Record a play. Average Rating: 0. Browse 1 Image » wrong image? Thilo Graf Mike Myler. Publisher: SmiteWorks. Year: View Corrections Link Image. Publisher: AAW Games. Hard Cover. ISBN No items found. No images found. No videos found. No threads found. Dan Dittmer verified owner — October 28, Jason Herrick verified owner — October 31, Your email address will not be published.
This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Learn how your comment data is processed. Get started now, by sharing your referral link with your friends. Rise of the Drow , Maps , Digital Maps. Rise of the Drow. Pathfinder , Adventures , Rise of the Drow. Maps , Digital Maps. Rise of the Drow , 5th Edition. Want a discount? Need some more races monsters , societies, and classes? AAW Games has the Kickstarter for you!