Sims 4 updated mods folder cc download 2018

You can choose between , 75, and 50 percent and depending on what you go with, you might have some new babies in your life.

It can take some time for your dog or cat to get pregnant in TS4, but thanks this mod, you have full power over the life of your animals. It sounds terrible, but hey, sometimes you just want a dozen kitties running around. This mod completely eliminates the random generation of stray cat and dog households. If you would like to make some extra cash for your breeds, then make you check this mod out right here.

The only four commands that are available to teach your puppy right now in the mod are as follows: Sit, Lie Down, Speak, and Heel. Hey there! You made it to the end of page one, but there are 24 more to browse through. Thanks for reading this far. This Sims 4 mod turns your cats and dogs that you own into farm animals like pigs and sheep.

You can keep any of their produce that you harvest for your household or choose to sell them to make a profit. This mod is perfect for those looking to get some new animals in their life.

Whenever your Sim becomes pregnant with a child, you now have the ability to go and get an ultrasound scan from the doctor by paying a fee. If you want to remember these moments for the rest of your life, you can hang up these ultrasound scans on the walls in your home. There are situations that involve a marriage proposal, a lost kid, and a couple that argues before they break up with one another. This mod allows you to take your Sims and put them into University with the option to choose 12 different degrees.

Each degree offers at least 8 levels to complete and once you finish them, you will be rewarded with an internship and a career boost. If you would like to take your Sim to school and major in creative writing or general science or something, you can check out this mod right here. Just be careful not to take too much money from them, as your roomies will get angry if you do them wrong. This mod brings in resorts to your Sims 4 game, letting you go on vacation and get away from your troubles or you can even own your own resorts —collecting a profit from the visitors.

The better schools mod allows teen and children to learn skills at school that they originally were never able to learn. They can learn basic skills, increase their motives, and have more choices at school. You can download the better schools mod right here and increase your character values just like in real life. You can sleep in class, use your cellphone, and flirt with classmates —essentially all things that kids normally do in school nowadays.

It can take some time to get the perfect tan for your Sims body, but with this mod, there is now a way to get automatic tans and also sunburns. But, just like real life, you may be in trouble if you spend too much time in the sun. If you want to brave the weather and run around in a rainstorm, you can do so if you install this mod right here.

It can be hard to get things done whenever the rain starts to pour, but you can continue to go on with your life in rain or shine thanks to this mod.

For any unplayed household that has pets in it, this mod will auto-fill the hygiene needs of any dog every six hours. It seems like your Sim might be obsessed with checking on their little babies. Kids are important and they should be watched with a keen eye, but if you want your Sim to stop checking in on them all of the time, you can download this mod.

If you want to put an end to dripping noses and wet clothes, then be sure to download this mod right here. The mod will keep your Sim dry and safe from catching a cold.

This amazing mod throws you right in the middle of a zombie apocalypse by turning every Sim in your district into zombies. You also have the option to cure all of the zombies in the area, turning them back into humans, or you can just blow them all up.

If you get turned into a zombie, there are four stages that your Sim goes through before you finally become take over, but you can customize everything that goes on from the menus to make the apocalypse a bit easier to handle.

The first bundle can be downloaded here and includes things such as band, dance, and chorus classes. You can build up the skills of your kids and best of all, your kids will be away from home for a couple of more hours to keep you at peace. These interactions range from taking a nap and asking for help to making friends and leaving school early. LittleMsSam brings us this mod and you can download it here if you want to style children, teens, and adults, and give them a makeover that that will change their lives.

This mod from KawaiiStacey allows you to choose the fat rate increase in your game, making it easier for your Sims to gain weight. The larger the size you choose, the faster you will gain weight. If you find yourself wanting to town down, you just have to begin exercising to lost weight. You can download this weight gain mod right here if you want to put some extra weight on your characters.

It can be hard to find healthy smoothies and drinks for your Sim to chug down, but thanks to this mod right here, your Sim will have access to a lot of yummy and nutritious beverages. This clothing pack from SxL gives players more customization options for your young Sims characters. You can download the teen style stuff mod right here if you want to express some originality for your adolescent Sims. The pack includes a collection of books, posters, decorations, movies, and clothes so that you can show off your love for the magician.

Do you like a bit of a challenge with your game? Well, this mod allows your sim family to feel the crippling weight of expensive bills every week. This is often a point of contention between fans since the game can become quite easy once you have a well-paying job position. Luckily, this modder thought so as well and created this.

The dinner table, that is. It lets you hire family members! Cheating can become more frequent, and pregnancies, too. Especially when you add these with the master controller mod I already mentioned in the first page. Anyway, here are a couple of romantic autonomies for you:. The ability to create truly unique Sims by pulling and pushing directly on their bodies is by far one of the coolest new features The Sims 4 brings to the table.

Angler master sim find it really annoying to have to leave the comfort of their homes just to reach a nearby pond to fish. With the Buyable Ponds mod, you can put a nice pond in your backyard, probably next to the chest table and underneath a great big tree. Just giving you ideas.

Additionally, get the Buyable Hidden Lot Entrances mod for easy access. Pretty soon, your Sim will never leave their house. Roleplaying is everything in The Sims 4, and any mods that add that ability can be appreciated by any fan. Maybe even a flea market! The choice is yours, as always. Look, when there are fixes to be had, these are among the most important. This one fixes a silly little glitch that tends to happen a lot when sims are playing on their console.

Everyone can couch co-op now! Like your sims lumbersexual? There are mods to back up however you want them to look. Want imperfect teeth? Here you go. I recommend checking out this site for all your Sims 4 custom content needs.

They have Sims 4 hairstyles, body hair, eyebrows, makeup, skin, teeth, facial hair, anything you can think of. You can also check out our guides for those best Sims 4 hair mods here and here for Maxis Match mods and custom content, specifically.

The small amount of quick meals you can get from the fridge are enough to get anyone sick of having lunch, right? Tired of all that cereal? Or all those microwave meals? Thanks to the Babies for Everyone mod, your young adult and older Sims can have a baby with anyone they love. With it, it will be way harder to get back in the appropriate frame of mind once something has put your sim in a different mood. Here, the creator does a good job explaining it:. This collection of changes big and small aims to allow your sims to feel more human, to make the events in their lives feel more meaningful, and to turn managing their lives into a more interesting challenge.

Tons of standard Sims features were left out of The Sims 4. This mod by Fogity fixes quite arguably the worst feature to be to be removed from this release of The Sims.

Previously, whenever a Sim disappeared from a lot to go to work you would be unable to access the menus containing their desires, skills, relationships, and mood info. The Menu Enabler mod simply keeps these menus available whenever a Sim leaves the active lot for work or fun. Love raising a family in The Sims? Well, good for your sims for maturing and deciding to take such a grand step forward in their lives. Hold on, though, are you sure you want to deal with the vanilla Sims baby?

Always whining, wanting food, love, and general attention so often in a day? You should download the Easygoing Baby mod to calm it down a bit and keep its mood up until it can age. Maybe even turn on accelerated aging for babies, too.

Okay, I gave it away for this one in the heading right there. No more rushing to work in the mornings! Simply had to include something that helps players not waste time. Always working out to have the most Adonis looking possible?

When you get it, the metabolism in the game — so to speak — gets a tune up. It will be harder for you to reach peak physique in the game. This really makes it more of an accomplishment, you know?

Want to get your slim sim to fill in their clothes a bit more? This Sims 4 mod is simple in that it just makes it possible to set the weight levels of your characters using the cheat console commands. Why was anything taken out, you know? You know you want cars for your sim family. Get this mod. It allows you to get back those vehicles you know and love from past games before EA inevitably forces you to buy them in an expansion! You could also download this Sims 4 mod to get the cars already available around the world and place them for decoration.

For now, we simmers need to rely on the modders to fill in the gaps for EA. Bless the best of the best when it comes to Sims 4 mods. If you, like Mindy Kaling in The Mindy Project, believe that best friendship is a tier, then this mod is perfect for you. It allows you to have more than just one like the game currently limits you.

Admit it. The first thing you did while making that very first sim in TS4 was see how crazy you could make your characters look using the new Create-A-Sim interface. This set of mods removes a lot of the restrictions imposed on body modification to keep the game boring and realistic. Not me. And one modder took it upon themselves to correct one they noticed: the worlds all have largely the same weather patterns despite being different, well, worlds!

This mod is a must for anyone looking for weather variety in their TS4 game. Here are the changes it does:. After all, the sheets should have nothing to do with the energy! Tired of only having, like, three spots to have fun with your little simmers? Grab your family, head on over to the lot, and enjoy some classic movies with popcorn. Perfect for the cinephile sim in your life.

This is even better when coupled with the movie night pack that adds bigger screens, popcorn, and more! Who says that you can only be a kid and enjoy Voidcritters? Oh, The Sims 4 does. Well, I call BS there! For those of us that grew up with a childhood phenomenon, odds are that years later you still very much so care for that same cartoon or what have you. These mods understands that, and make it possible to trade as well as play Voidcritters at any age!

With the Notebook V2 mod, you will be able to do all the writing related things they could do on the computer, except from the comfort of any place within the house. Also, with a strange device called a pen. This mod makes it so that teens can join the Social Media career track that City Living brought to the table. This mod is here to do exactly that. It even adds a lot of ethnic names to create a lot of diversity among your worlds and towns. You had ice cream?

My sim has no time for your BS, John. Really annoying whenever this happens needlessly, right? It allows you to retire as young as the Adult life state. If you missed being able to control your pets, you can do so now! There are a lot of mods available to The Sims 2 fans that want to bring over the most iconic furniture pieces to The Sims 4. Miss the Tiki Outdoor Set and its add-ons? Want to get retro with the 60s Living Room Set? Or maybe you want to feel fabulous with the Glamorous Living Set?

Just letting you know this is definitely a thing that happens a lot each month! When you download and install it, your teen sims will be able to raise their Parenting skill. This is great for getting a headstart on that skill, as well as for getting that roleplaying in. The Sims has a way of making friendships into little, fragile butterflies. You can actually go two weeks with no interactions now and still consider a certain Sim your best friend.

It cuts out a huge annoyance where literal hours after the fact your sim might actually get up by themselves without you telling them to. Here are some of the ones I found, for example. Whenever your child and teen sim goes off, precious hours of their days are lost. Well, have no fear! You can download and install this mod to cut the amount of time children and teens will be in school by giving them an earlier exit.

If you want to roleplay your families having to sign up for welfare, then this Sims 4 mod is perfect for your next playthrough or even challenge. Your sims can sign up for it by applying for it as though it were a career. While there are a lot with all of the expansion packs and the base game, there can always be more, right? Modders think so, too. If you, like me, are really weirded out by how often sims are just DTF all the time, then this mod will be great for you. Thus, every single career will yield less and your bills will get higher.

Especially if you installed the bills mod I mentioned earlier in this post. A great way to add uniqueness to your characters by making them have specific dating preferences, eh?

Especially for your sims. Check around for new recipes, like this one that introduces two new soups. Not even the Romantic or Alluring sims! Well, this modder thought so, too, and made a mod that allows Alluring and Romantic characters to get their fun need up with some romance!

Kissing, flirting, everything will get that moodlet and mood up. With this mod, cooking has become a bit harder. That is, before this mod. When a fire bursts out in the game, your sim can often get caught in it. But what if damage were done to their skin already once that happens? This mod gets rid of the random illness system brought in by the Get to Work expansion. Find it troublesome dealing with your sim getting sleepy all the time? With it, the fires in The Sims 4 can start up faster and spread quickly.

They become more intense as you choose from three different options. Perfect for those that want to quickly dispose of their sims. In The Sims 4, leveling up your skills means getting a very intrusive message in the center of the screen. I really summed this one up right there in the subheading. No need to pay those points you get. This is a huge plus for anyone looking to open up a five star restaurant as fast as they possibly can.

This is a good one for those builders out there. Autonomous sims tend to make poor choices. This is useful as it will assure that your sim keeps their mood going. The Activity Table is awesome for kids to work on their creativity, but it can be extremely clunky. With this mod, the whole thing becomes just a chair that you can set to any table. The game waits five minutes after a sim has spawned into a lot before spawning in the next one. Five whole sim minutes. This mod works to shorten that time so that locations are a lot less barren.

Super useful when combined with mods that increase number of people in a lot. No one likes it when the world feels empty, and this Sims 4 mod definitely helps with that.

Your families are super efficient sometimes. But that can also mean super grossness as they take their dirty dishes to the bathroom sink instead of the kitchen. While the original art for The Sims 4 is great, having realistic skins always ups the quality of any game with mods. There are sure to be many new skin mods that will come out as time progresses, so keep an eye out for them. This mod, for example, is one of the very few and helps to make your characters look more realistic with their skin texture.

Think your male sims look a bit too much like Ken dolls? Just… just check it out. Time can be super fast in this game. Before you know it, you hardly have time to go out after a long work day.

Especially since you want to make sure you complete your work requirements and keep your basic needs up. Tired of certain people coming over and rummaging through your stuff? This mod makes it possible to lock doors for certain people. You can choose up to 8 different sims to not lock it for and allow them to freely enter and exit whatever room. As has been stated many times, the characters in the game are sometimes total idiots with their autonomous actions.

Like feeding them instead of changing their diaper. This mod makes their autonomous decisions a lot smarter when it comes to making sure a baby is happy. Waiting for a baby to be born can be pretty annoying. This mod makes it possible to speed up the pregnancy with seven different options. Want to see your sims in a new light? Take out those censor mosaic blurs with this mod. Perfect with that previously mentioned male junk mod, eh? This mod is simple enough, but it gets rid of some dastardly glow if you happen to hate it.

This mod is perfect for those that have Get to Work and find that moving up on their career paths is a bit time consuming and difficult. It allows you to stay at your Doctor, Scientist, or Detective job for 15 hours, have the option to stay even later, and get double the wages for the time spent.

Get those promotions! This mod adds a juice blender to your buy options for your household. Note that the better the fruit, the better the juice quality. Oh, and it will cost you simoleons. This mod allows children to harvest from trees and bushes all the fruits they might want. Who knows! The original Sims 4 advertisements were filthy liars in the way it made it look like couches could hold multiple sims all together like that. Well, this mod sets out to make this a reality.

This mod adds the functionality to the static alarm clocks to allow your sims to wake up a bit earlier than they normally would. This is to help them prep in the mornings.

Well, now you can! Want some high-security decor for your household, retail store, or lot? Well, this mod adds the buyable security cameras to your game. They will cost you simoleons. Have a musically inclined sim but hate how long it takes them to write a song?

This mod makes it so that your sims can write a song on piano, guitar, or violin in just two hours. With it, the distortion that started happening after a patch will be bye-bye. To make it way better and more emotional, you can download this mod and make it a much more intimate moment between the two sims.

This mod just makes easter egg collecting way easier for your sim. It makes the chances 20 or 40 times higher so you can get one of the specific easter eggs whenever you click the hidden eggs. This mod makes skins available for your child sim to be able to look like a tiny robot. Let them loose on society! It brings many different skins, colors, and heads. Perfect for getting rid of Death, right? It makes all the poses a more neutral look, without smiling and showing teeth. No happiness for you!

This mod is also a gorgeous, aesthetic one that changes the way water looks like in pools and ponds. Now, water will be reflective, shiny, and look very realistic. This mod removes the sims need to constantly go get a random drink.

This mod brings a set of Pokemon shirts for your sims to don around town. Speaking of those pocket monsters, by the way. Another neat thing is to make the Voidcritters obviously influenced by Pocket Monsters and cutting out all pretenses. This makes Voidcritters obviously Pokemon by literally making them into them. This mod will upgrade the savant trait that your sims can randomly get in order to make the increase in skills far more noticeable. This mod makes the group dancing in Get Together last longer.

There are a bunch of different mods that will allow you to buy even more color variants of popular items. No longer will you need to pick and choose where your next party is going to be. There are quite a few mods that add more harvestable plants to the world for your sims to pick fruits and veggies from. This mod is for those romantic sims out there. Nibble, nibble, nibble. Them modders are incredible in how they design such wonderous houses.

With this mod, your sims will be able to live in the iconic Cinderella Disney castle. Well, except Elder, for some reason. Cute, right? Are you a diabolical sim scientist that invented the Freeze Ray that comes with the Get to Work expansion?

If you, like me, love to use the mood buffers available within TS4, then you no doubt plant an incense holder here and there around the house. And then everything is lit aflame as that one little stick causes a mass fire in your household.

Ah, how peaceful, right? Well, this mod makes it so that those little incense holders no longer cause fires. What a relief. Like your created characters in their towels like when they exit saunas and venues in the Spa Day game pack? Well, this mod adds that feature to all kinds of lots, as well as makes it last for 30 in-game minutes. This mod adds a bunch of iconic movie posters to the buy menu.

Not only that, but each of them have been switched around to fit the sim world. The actors are all sims, and the writing is even simlish. Meanwhile, this mod also adds artwork that you can purchase within the game. Of dogs on bicycles. There are plenty of other mods you can search for and find of pretty much whatever you can imagine, too. I recommend ya have your eyes peeled for a bunch of these.

This is for those of you out there that have been dying for some new, beautiful, custom showers in the game. When a sim is accepting a woohoo proposal, there are lame animations that stereotypical bros would do. Fist bumping, high-fiving, overly excited, all of these are replaced with flirty animations when you install this mod.

So much of the game was cut, for some reason, but modders have found them all out. This mod unlocks certain interactions that your sims would do after they woohoo. This mod gives you the power of a search function within the game. You can look up any sim by a variety of different filters including gender, household, age, and many more.

You can also find out about specific people by clicking on them, too. Perfect for finding out waaaaay more than you need to know about your neighbors. Hope you enjoyed all the must have Sims 4 mods we came across. Installing custom content and mods in your Sims 4 game can be a bit confusing! From knowing where to place the items, to figuring out what to do when your CC doesn't work- there's a lot to know and it can be tricky, especially if you're a beginner.

This guide will teach you all you need to know about downloading, installing, and troubleshooting custom content and mods for the Sims 4! Before you get started with downloading and installing custom content, you'll need to make to make sure your Sims 4 game is up-to-date with all recent patches. Make sure you are connected to the internet, then open Origin, go to The Sims 4 in your Game Library, click on the Settings tab, and then click on the Update Game button.

If your game does need any updates, Origin will automatically download and install them. If your game is already fully updated, you'll get a notification telling you so. When you start downloading CC, you'll notice that many of the files end in names like.

These files have been compressed by the custom content creator so you can download them and put them into your game. However, you can't just place a. Therefore, you'll need a tool to extract these files. I recommend using Winrar which, despite the name, can be used in both Windows and Mac to extract your files.

You can download it here. Once you've finished downloading it, install it on your computer and move on to the next step! By default, The Sims 4 has an option to disable mods in the game.

Before you get started with playing with mods and custom content, you'll need to start up your Sims 4 game and turn mods on you'll also need to do this after each patch that is released, as the game options default back to mods being turned off.

To do this, start the game, click on the Menu button the three buttons on the top right corner , Game Options, Other and then tick the Enable Custom Content and Mods box.

Then hit the Apply Changes button and restart your game. The next time you start it up, your settings will be saved and you'll be able to play with mods! Now that your game is patched and you've got a proper extraction tool on your computer, it's time to download some custom content or mods that you'd like to use in your game!

If you don't already have one in mind, I've written some articles on some great custom content sites and mods for the Sims 4. Feel free to browse those articles to find something of your liking! Once you've found the content you want to add to your game, click on the download button on the website. If you're using Google Chrome as your Internet browser, you'll see the item downloading at the bottom of the screen.

Once it's done downloading, you can right-click on the little arrow, and then choose to go to the folder it's downloaded to. Typically, your downloaded items will go into your Downloads folder on your computer. Open up the Downloads folder and then right-click on the content you've just downloaded. If you're using WinRar, you'll see an icon that looks like a stack of books. Click on the option that says, 'Extract to mod name '.

The file will then extract into a folder. Open up the folder and check the contents inside. Usually, you'll just see files that end with.

This is the file-type used for Sims 4 mods and custom content. You might see some other file types too. Some creators include images of their CC or. These can be safely discarded. If you see file types ending in. Do not delete them! Highlight use your cursor to draw a box around the. Now you'll need to navigate to your Sims 4 Mods folder. Once you're in that folder, simply right-click anywhere and then select 'Paste.

When you start up your game, the mod or CC you've installed should be there and working perfectly! Lots are the name for houses or any types of venues that your Sims can visit in the game. You can also download custom lots to add to your game on various Sims CC websites. Installing and downloading lots is basically the same process as above, except you place these files in a place in your Sims 4 folder.

Any download that ends in. When you open up your game, you'll need to go the Gallery click on the icon of the photos in the top right corner , then click on My Library. There, you'll find the lot you've downloaded.

If the lot also included custom content, make sure you click on the Advanced option in the Gallery and tick 'Include Custom Content' for the lot to show up. Script mods are ones which change and add-on to the scripting of the game. Installing script mods is again, pretty similar to installing the other mods listed above. The main difference, however, is that the file type will end in. To do so, click on the Menu the three buttons on the top right corner , Game Options, Other, and then tick the Script Mods Allowed button.

You'll see a warning about script mods. Click OK, Apply Changes, then restart your game. If you've installed the CC or mod exactly as describe above, it should all work just fine. However, if it doesn't show up in your game, or doesn't work for some reason, you might need to do some troubleshooting.

Here's a list of things to check and try when you run into problems:. Give them a detailed example of what's happening in the game i. Hopefully they'll get back to you with an updated version of the content or a way to work around the error. If not, you may just need to uninstall the file from your game. Uninstalling CC and Mods is as simple as going to your Mods folder and deleting them. Right-click on whichever file you want to get rid of, select Delete, and then the next time you start up the game, that custom content or mod will no longer be in your game.

Hopefully this will never happen to you, but there's always the risk of running into broken or corrupt custom content or mods, while modding your game. If you have issues with your game freezing, crashing, generating 'LastException' files while playing, or other major issues after downloading CC or mods, more than likely, the mod or CC you've installed is corrupted.

Go to your Sims 4 folder, right-click on the folder titled 'Saves' and then copy it. Paste your Saves folder somewhere else on your computer, like your desktop. That way you'll have a 'safe' version of your saved game in case anything goes wrong while testing.

Go to your Mods folder and right-click it. Again, copy it to your Desktop. Once you're sure you have a copy of your Mods folder on your Desktop, go ahead and delete the copy in your Sims 4 folder. Customize the Taskbar in Windows What Is svchost. Browse All Buying Guides. Best iPhone 13 Pro Case. Best Bluetooth Headphones for Switch. Best Roku TV. Best Apple Watch. Best iPad Cases. Best Portable Monitors. Best Gaming Keyboards.

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