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If he ever wants Jimmy's seat, he's going to have think through his actions more carefully. Grace questions Jimmy about the killing, he admits Alec was behind it. S1, Ep5. Jimmy and Grace go through Charlie's papers searching for a lead.

Grace asks Mitch to run the serial numbers on money they find in Charlie's home. He discovers a link to a treasure agent, Michael Chen, who committed suicide five months earlier. Grace remembers she was supposed to meet with Chen around the time of his death - he never showed up. S1, Ep6. Grace tells Tom he and Evie need to stay someplace else for a couple days.

Although Grace won't tell him why, Tom suspects something is wrong. Tom decides to take Evie to stay at Shelley's place. S1, Ep7. Grace manges to escape from Max who knows her real identity.

Grace informs Mitch she needs to tell Jimmy that Max is the one moving against him. Mitch warns that could backfire. S1, Ep8.

Back at her apartment, while cleaning up from the fight with Max, Jimmy surprises Grace - he's drunk and depressed - he's ruined everything. The next morning, Jimmy is called down to the docks - they've found a burnt body, which he fears may belong one of his sons. S1, Ep9. Grace is processed and interrogated for the murder of Max Laszlo.

Meanwhile, Jimmy attempts to makes amends with Alec, but the relationship is beyond repair. See more. Follow Us. Follow us on Facebook opens in a new window Follow us on Facebook opens in a new window Visit our Homepage opens in a new window Visit our Homepage opens in a new window Follow us on Instagram opens in a new window Follow us on Instagram opens in a new window Follow us on Twitter opens in a new window Follow us on Twitter opens in a new window Follow us on Youtube opens in a new window Follow us on Youtube opens in a new window.

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