Ps4 bf5 pre order bonus download missing

It said my code was redeemed on the website, but the outfits are nowhere to be found. Was assured this tin box would include crazy prizes. Just a headache so far precluding me from an apparently amazing gaming experience. Your email address will not be published. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. October 27, at am Reply. To claim the Battlefield pre-order bonuses is actually easy if you know where exactly to look. The DLC items, all of them, can be found on the Collection page, which are accessible via the main menu.

To find the Specialists skins, you can just go to the Specialists page and press the Customize button while selecting a character. The Vehicle Skins can be found on the Vehicles page and can be applied on the tank, jet, and hovercraft.

Sign In or Register. See details Show less. Turn on suggestions. Auto-suggest helps you quickly narrow down your search results by suggesting possible matches as you type. Showing results for. Search instead for. Do you mean. Zombies Plants vs. Zombies 2 Plants vs. Zombies Heroes Other Plants vs. Me too. Message 1 of 23 1, Views. Zombies Heroes Other Plants vs. BF5 preorder weapons. May Hi, I really wanna have the preorder bonus for my bf1 on pc.

Me too. Message 1 of 21 1, Views. Reply 1. Re: BF5 preorder weapons. May foo I had a similar question as I just switched from pc to Xbox. They mean for the BFV Deluxe version, I assume, and luckily there are still codes for sale online - and they are not expensive thankfully. Hope this answers your question. Message 2 of 21 Views. Reply 2. In addition to the standard preorder bonuses, you'll also get the Year 1 Pass, which comes with four new Specialists, four Battle Passes, and three Epic Skin Bundles.

You'll also get early access to the game at launch. Battlefield will be an exclusively multiplayer experience. It will feature bigger maps than ever before and more players battling it out across the giant locales. Battlefield will also introduce dynamic weather events like sandstorms and tornadoes that wind up altering play and wreaking havoc. You won't always have to play online against other people, though.


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